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“You make it sound like just another weekday night when you talk like that,” she says with a grin.

“It kind of is. Oh, and my familiars will be keeping an eye on the woods. Binx will come and protect you and Olive if anything happens.”

“You’re not taking him?”

“Thorne Hill needs him more than me tonight.”

We hug goodbye, and I get back into my Grand Cherokee, driving halfway to Chicago before stopping for gas. Feeling a little tired and knowing my night is only just beginning, I run into the gas station for a coffee.

The energy is different when I step back outside. A slight breeze blows in from the highway, hot from traffic and smelling like gasoline. The gas station is busy, with almost every pump full. I shift my eyes around, trying to spot the vampires. They have the right to be here, and I almost hate that I automatically go on the defense.

I’m almost to the Jeep when I see a woman fleeing from a car. She’s wearing heels, and one strap of her cocktail dress is hanging down around her shoulder. Blood drips down her neck from a vampire bite.

Oh, hell no.

I set my coffee on the hood of the Jeep and take off, running around the gas station after the woman. I don’t see a vampire coming after her. Maybe he’s inside, and she’s trying to make an escape while he pays for gas or something.

“Hey,” I call after her, seeing her drop to her knees next to a dumpster. “Are you okay?”

“Help me,” she cries, voice breaking.

“It’ll be okay.” I slow to a stop and crouch down. “I can help you.”

“No…no you can’t.”

“I have my ways.” I extend my hand. “I can keep you safe. Come on, let me get you a coffee or something.”

She sniffles, acting like she’s going to get up but hesitates.

“It’s okay,” I assure her. “Take my hand, and I’ll help you up.”

Keeping her head turned down, she slowly reaches out. Her fingers shake as she takes my hand. Then she grips me tight and springs up, spraying pepper spray in my face.

I jerk back, conjuring a string of magic and throwing it at her. It’s not enough to do her great harm but is enough to knock her backwards on her butt. Stumbling back, I gasp in air. My lungs burn just as bad as my eyes.

“What the hell?” I stammer, trying to force my eyes open so I can see where the crazy bitch went. But as soon as my vision starts to come back, something crashes against the back of my head.

And everything goes black.

Chapter 20

Everything hurts.

My eyes burn. Each breath feels like fire. My head is throbbing from where I was hit, and my arms and legs are tightly bound to a wooden chair. I’m in the dark, and while I can’t see even an inch in front of me, the air smells dank and damp, like I’m in an old basement or something.

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to get them to stop burning. My breath leaves in a ragged huff, and I can’t concentrate enough to call Binx…even if he could hear me from this far away.

Because I have no idea where I am.

Pulling on the ropes only makes them tighter. Whoever tied me up has done this before. I close my eyes again and try to feel the knots. If I can get a general idea of how they’re bound, I can telekinetically undo them.

“I wouldn’t try that if I were you.”

A voice rings out in the dark, soft and feminine, with a hint of a Russian accent.

“What do you want?” I ask, voice hoarse from inhaling the pepper spray.

“I think you know,” the woman says. She has to be a vampire since she could see me trying to undo the ropes in the dark.

“If I knew I wouldn’t ask, dipshit,” I spit.

The woman moves over at vamp speed, hands landing on my thighs. Her hair falls in my face. Floral perfume comes from her body, so strong it churns my stomach.

“I see that three-hour nap did you some good.”

Shit. I was out for three hours? Lucas knows I’m missing at least. “I got my beauty rest. Which is more than I can say for you. I can’t see you, but judging by the way you smell like the inside of a funeral home, I can only imagine.”

“You’re a feisty one. Though I wouldn’t expect anything less from Lucas King.”

My blood turns ice cold. She knows I’m involved with Lucas. Oh shit.

“What are you a jealous lover or something?” I twist my wrist, rope digging into my skin as I try to get a feel for it.

“Jealous? No. Past lover? I suppose you could call me that.” She straightens up and puts her hand between my thighs. “There wasn’t much love when his cock was inside me, though. With us, it was more about the blood. About the sex.” She leans back in, lips brushing over my ear as she talks. “Who’s jealous now?”

“Oh please.” I do my best not to recoil. Not being able to see a damn thing is fucking with my mind. “I’m well aware Lucas was far from a virgin when we met.”

“You think he’s faithful to you and you alone?”

I roll my eyes, wishing they weren’t so red and swollen. She can see the gesture, at least. “I do. I’m his, and he’s mine. Deal with it, lady. Listen, if this is some sort of lovers’ quarrel, do yourself a favor and let me go before you get hurt.”

She moves away from me, laughing. “Before I get hurt? Oh, that’s a good one. Because from where I see it, you’re the one tied up in the chair looking like my dinner.”

I splay my fingers, telekinetically tugging on the ropes. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

“Go ahead then.” She steps back, and her heels click on the hard floor. “Take your best shot.”

I close my eyes and inhale, pulling in energy from the air around me. “I surround myself with protective white light. Remove all evil within my sight!”

Nothing happens.

And the ropes haven’t budged.

What. The. Fuck.

The vampire laughs again. “Like I said. You’re dinner.”

Suddenly, lights flicker on, illuminating the large room. I’m sitting in the bottom of an empty pool inside what looks like an old hotel. The vampire in front of me is tall and pretty, with brunette hair falling around her face in waves.

She motions to something on the floor, and I turn my head down, looking at the symbols painted on the tile. Symbols that when laid out properly during a ritual will block my powers. It’s a Witch Trap, and they’re usually laid out by witch hunters to render us powerless while they kill us. Motherfucker. I can’t even call Binx if I wanted to.

“It’s a little extra insurance,” she starts. “Though the hagstone around your neck should be enough.”

“You know I’m a witch.”

“I do.” She steps closer again. “And I know there’s a pretty steep bounty on your head.”

“Who’s going to pay it?” It’s all I can do to keep calm as a million thoughts race through my head. The Vampire Council told Lucas to kill any witch he came across, and I’m pretty sure the same order was given to the rest of the older vampires registered with the VC. Are they behind this, wanting to bring me in as an example? What’s going to happen to Lucas? They’ll know we’re together. That he’s in love with me.

And has been protecting me from other vampires.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” she says. “In the meantime, we’re going to have some fun.”

“You’ve seen too many horror movies.” I shake my head. “The cliché lines don’t pack a punch.”

She zooms forward, fangs comi

ng down. “The only reason I haven’t split you open and played with your entrails is because your worth goes down if your body is harmed. Your new master wants you unmarked.” She runs her finger over my neck, feeling the two tender puncture wounds from where Lucas bit me earlier. “Pity. This is going to cost me.”

“I belong to Lucas. Go ahead and hand me over. Lucas will have the right by Vampire Law to rip your head off.”

“Lucas lost his rights to any and all Vampire Law when he laid with you, an unclean witch.”

“Please,” I sneer. “You sound like my brother. And I can’t fucking stand my brother. Really. You should go ask him and see if he’s coughing up hairballs still. Because he pissed me off, and I turned him into a cat. That’s what happens when people piss me off. And you know what you’re doing right now? Pissing me the fuck off.”

“Keep talking, sweetheart. You’re powerless right now.”

I narrow my eyes. “You think these wards can hold me?” They can. Whoever laid this circle down knew what they were doing, and I can feel the drain on my system from the hagstone around my neck. “They only will for so long.” I’m lying and trying hard to keep as calm as I can be. She can hear my heart beating, though it’s been racing the whole time. Maybe a spike from a lie is undetectable.

A door opens and closes, and two more vampires come in, jumping down into the pool. I look past the vampire in front of me at them and spot the body of the woman who sprayed with me pepper spray sprawled out on the ground. Her head is turned to the side, dead eyes open and staring at the ceiling. Her neck is torn open, and her body is lying in a puddle of her own blood.

“Are her powers bound?” one of the male vampires asks. He’s short and stocky and looks familiar.

“They are,” the female vampire says. “With double the warding. I didn’t want to take any chances.”

“She doesn’t look that dangerous,” the other vampire says.

“No, you fucking idiot, and that’s where the danger lies,” the short, stocky one spits. He narrows his eyes, glaring at me. “Fucking witches.”

The door opens and closes again, and another vampire appears at the threshold of the pool. Her auburn hair is swept up in a tight bun, and the dim pool lights reflect the harshness in her eyes.

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