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“No, she’s a nurse,” Scarlet tells her. “She’s got this.”

“Yeah, we should give her some space,” I say.

“Okay. Take care.” The old woman starts to power walk away, and as much as her crowding bothered me, it bothers me more that three other people have passed us without asking if we need help.

“Deep breath,” I tell Quinn, taking the Gatorade from her. I put the cap back on and open the protein bar. Careful not to touch it since my hands aren’t clean, I hand it to Quinn, and she takes a tiny bite. I wait a few seconds and offer her more to drink. We repeat this slow process for a few minutes.

“I’m feeling better now,” she says and starts to get up.

“Not so fast.” I take her wrist again. “Your heart is still racing. I’m afraid you’ll fall going down the stairs, and if you really are pregnant, that’s the last thing we want.”

“I’m going to get Wes,” Scarlet says and springs to her feet. She jogs down the track and hurries down the stairs.

“I’m sorry,” Quinn says, pressing the heel of her hand to her forehead.

“Why are you sorry?”

“For being a basket case.”

“If possible low blood pressure and low blood sugar from a potential pregnancy makes you a basket case, then I’m just a hot fucking mess. Especially after you had to drive me home wearing your brother’s clothes over open-toed high heels in the winter.” I wrinkle my nose. “Talk about basket case.”

“Nah, that just proves you’re a fun, outgoing person.”

“I’m anything but,” I say with a laugh. I can tell Quinn is really embarrassed right now, and for some reason I think the best way to remedy it is by telling her something embarrassing about myself. You know, level the playing field and prove I’m just as human as the rest of them. “I don’t go out much, and that was actually the first time I went out by myself.”

“Really? You look like someone who’d go out and have guys fawning all over you. Sorry to judge.”

“Hey, if you’re judging me to be some seductive mistress of the night, I kinda like it.”

Quinn laughs. “Now you sound like a vampire.”

“That’s even cooler.”

She takes another small drink of Gatorade, and I move from crouching in front of her to sitting next to her.

“How are you feeling now?”

“The ground isn’t spinning beneath my feet anymore.”

“Good. You probably pushed yourself too hard given everything that could be going on. You should probably get checked out. Is Dr. Jones home?”

“Yeah, he got called in last night and was sleeping when I left.”

“Did you drive yourself here?” I ask and she nods. “I don’t think you should drive home. If one of your brothers can’t drive you, I will.”

“I’m sure they—speak of the devil.” She tries to get up when both Dean and a guy who has to be Weston come running down the track. Like the other brother I saw at the bar, it’s obvious Dean and Weston are related.

Dean’s eyes are on Quinn, brows furrowed with concern on his face.

“Rory,” he rushes out, surprised to see me. Then he blinks and reaches for Quinn’s arm, helping her to her feet. “You okay, sis?”

“Scarlet said you almost passed out.”

“I’m fine.” Quinn tries to swat Dean away, and Weston steps in, ready to pick her up if he has to.

“I have no way to know for sure,” I start, “but she’s showing signs of low blood pressure and low blood sugar. She’s been taking small sips of Gatorade and a few bites of a protein bar, which will help hold the sugar levels steady. But she should go home and be properly checked out.”

“Archer will check me out good and proper,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows. Dean immediately makes a face.

“And she shouldn’t drive herself home,” I rush out before Quinn can insist she’s good enough to take herself home.

“I’ll drive you,” Dean says right away. “And thanks, Rory.” His eyes linger on mine for a few seconds.

“Of course.” I smile, heart lurching in my chest. We walk together down the track, and Weston puts his arm around Quinn as we go down the stairs, holding her steady.

“I’m glad you were here,” Scarlet says, walking with me to the lockers so she can grab Quinn’s stuff. “And props for not mentioning her maybe being pregnant.”

“It’s not my place to tell.”

Scarlet stops at her locker. “Does Quinn have your number? I’ll have her text you and let you know how she’s feeling.”

“Yeah, she does. I think. She did at least. I still have hers. I can text her in an hour or so.”

“She’d like that.” Scarlet slips her arms through her coat and unlocks Quinn’s locker next, grabbing her coat and purse as well. “It was nice meeting you, though I’d rather it be under better circumstances.”

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