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I pick up my glass, knowing there’s truth in his words, and look out at Rory again. She’s leaning in toward her friend, twisting her braid around her fingers as she talks.

“I don’t see the point in another relationship,” I say for what feels like the millionth time.

“I’m going to say something we’ve all been thinking but no one has actually told you.”

I take another drink and stare at my brother. “Spit it out.”

“Remember when Daisy left Wes?”

“That’s kinda hard to forget.” I was the first one he told, actually. He had me come over and watch Jackson, not wanting to upset Mom and Dad before he knew what was going on.

“And remember how we never really liked her?”

“Yes, I do,” I say, knowing where this is going.

“And now that Wes is remarried and happy, we can all say we’re glad Daisy up and left and it was better for everyone in the end.”

“So you’re saying you never liked Kara and are happy she cheated on me?”

Logan lets out a breath. “Not exactly. I’m saying maybe this is the same situation in a sense. You two weren’t meant to be together and now that you’re not…you can find someone else.”

“Did Danielle tell you to say that?”

Logan narrows his eyes. “I can think for myself, you know. I’m not going to badger you like someone else in the family does. Just…just don’t drive away my customers.”

“I’ll do my best.” I roll my eyes and take another drink. Logan gets busy filling drink orders, and a few guys from the construction crew come in waving when they see me. I could go over, hang out with them for a while and then work my magic and take someone home with me, but I feel off my game tonight, and it’s starting to unnerve me.

Because I don’t want to take just anyone home. I want Rory.

Dammit.Chapter 18RoryYawning, I shuffle into the locker room and suck down the rest of my coffee. We’re going right into surgery and will probably regret drinking so much, but it’s either this or I fall asleep on my feet.

“Late night?” Jane asks. She’s getting ready to leave as the next shift takes over.

“Kind of. And then by the time I remembered to take melatonin, it was too late.”

“Ugh. I hate those.”

“Yeah. Me too.” I put my empty travel mug in the locker and let my eyes fall shut, giving myself a quick mental break before getting changed. I ended up leaving the bar only half an hour after I got there, drinking only half my Moscato so I wouldn’t have to worry about not being able to drive.

But I couldn’t get Dean and that stupid smirk off my mind. He knows I’m attracted to him and was using it to his advantage. I sat on the couch, trying to distract myself with cheesy made-for-TV romances, but my mind kept going back to Dean.

It didn’t help, and I finally got my butt in bed, regretting not taking Dean up on his offer to go back to his place. I would have enjoyed it, that’s for sure. But I would have left wanting more, because as much as I wish I could do the no-strings thing, I can’t.

I’d end up getting attached and would get my heart broken when I saw Dean out with someone else. I couldn’t be mad at him either, since he told me from the beginning he wasn’t looking for anything more than casual sex.

I’m done with noncommittal men. After wasting six months of my life with Mike, I’ve been there, done that, and I’m not doing it again.

“How was the night?” I ask, forcing myself to get changed.

“Slow, which was kinda nice after the day you all had.” Jane takes off her name badge and pulls a sweatshirt over her head. “The PACU is freezing today, though. Something about a busted boiler.” She shrugs. “Do new buildings still have boilers? I feel like that was a thing on the Titanic.”

I laugh. “I think it was, and I’m not sure. Maybe big buildings do. Are we well-stocked with blankets?” Patients are cold already after waking up from surgery.

“Yes, and Dr. Keller was pissed about the weak heat. Someone is bringing in those little desk heaters to put in the recovery rooms if the heater doesn’t come back full-force.”

“That’ll help. And I thought it felt cold in here too.”

“I’ve been freezing all shift. I cannot wait to go home and get in bed.”

“Bed,” I say wistfully. “I would do anything to be back in bed right now.”

Hilary breezes in, looking way too perky for an early, cold morning. “Did you cave and bring Dean home with you—again?”

“Hah. I wish. Well, not really. I’m all for finding a nice guy to date, but he’s not that.”

“Not nice?” Jane asks.

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