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“Hey guys,” Quinn says and notices Mom’s watery eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I assure her. “Mom’s being overly emotional.”

“Shocker, right?” Logan laughs.

“About what?” Quinn goes right for the tequila and unscrews the lid.

“I finally filed for a divorce,” I say.

Quinn reacts just like our mother, running over to hug me. “Yes! Can you make her take her maiden name back too? I don’t even want her to be a Dawson anymore.”

“Having your name be Daisy Dawson forever is almost a punishment,” Logan says.

“It’s pretty awful,” Archer agrees. “Sounds like a cheap porn star.” He yawns, and I notice he looks dead on his feet.

“Long day at work?” I ask.

“I had a nine-hour surgery and then spent forty-five minutes arguing with a patient’s insurance company.” He shakes his head. “I don’t know if want to punch someone or take a nap.”

“Have a drink first,” Quinn says, going back to the margarita. “Then take a nap.”

“Why are you here?” Logan asks, grabbing another chip. “I’d be passed the fuck out if I did anything for nine straight hours.”

“I’m hungry,” Archer says, and we laugh. “And it’s nice coming here and being together. It means a lot to Quinn.”

“You’re so whipped,” Logan teases.

“I don’t mind it. Not one bit.” Archer watches Quinn mix him a drink. Gaining my approval to date my baby sister isn’t easy. But Archer’s a good guy and I know he really cares about her.

“I think it’s sweet,” Scarlet says with a smile. “And it is nice that you all get together like this.”

“I love it.” Quinn pours way too much tequila into the drink, making Logan wince. “I missed it when I lived in Chicago.” She mixes up the drink and pours it into a glass. “Anyone else want one?”

“Let me take over, sis.” Logan gets up, patting Quinn on the shoulder and takes the margarita from her hand. He smells it and shakes his head. “Are you trying to get Archer drunk?”

“Kind of. Then I’ll ask for another cat.” She flashes Archer a smile. “Kidding. Eight is enough.”

“More than enough.”

“Actually,” I start, sure I’m going to regret this. “If you still want to get rid of one…Jackson keeps asking.”

“You guys need a pet,” Mom says, taking Emma out of her car seat. “But dogs are much friendlier.”

“Cats are easier,” I counter. “I’m not home enough for a dog.”

“But Scarlet is,” Mom goes on.

Scarlet wrinkles her nose. “I’m more of a cat person.”

“I knew there was a reason I liked you.” Quinn beams, going over to the chips and salsa. Dad, who was grilling corn on the covered patio, comes in. He’s a die-hard griller and will stand out there in the middle of winter.

Owen and Jackson come back to the kitchen, ready to eat. Dean and Kara aren’t here yet, and we all try to convince Mom to let us go ahead and eat without them. Right hen we’ve just about got her to cave, we see Dean’s car pull into the driveway.

“I need to update Jackson’s forms at school,” I start, turning to Logan. “I’m putting you as an emergency contact after Scarlet. I had Quinn on there, but now it’s easier for you to get over to the school than it would be for her with Emma.”

Logan nods. “Okay.”

“I can be an emergency contact,” Owen offers, and I make a face. He’d do a good job looking after Jackson, I know, but it’s fun hassling him.

“You’re the last person I’d put on the list,” I tell him. “Quinn is first, and then Logan, then Dean, then Quinn’s cats, and then you.”

“You’re so fucking hilarious,” Owen says dryly.

“Finally! We’re starving,” Quinn says dramatically when Dean and Kara step into the house.

“Sorry.” Dean unzips his coat. “We couldn’t leave with the dishwasher going.” He rolls his eyes. Kara shakes her head, clenching her jaw. I can tell they were fighting, and I don’t think the dishwasher was the only issue.

“It might leak,” Kara says through gritted teeth. “Like it did before.”

“I fixed it,” Dean spits.

“Hey!” Quinn blurts, trying to be the peacekeeper. “Wes has good news!”

“Yeah, I do.” I put my arm around Scarlet. I look into her beautiful blue eyes and smile. “I filed for divorce and Scarlet and I are dating.”29ScarletI’ve never felt more welcome, more at home, than I do with the Dawsons. Everyone was thrilled when Wes told them we were dating. I think I smiled the entire time we ate, the whole way home, and while I straightened up the house when Wes put Jackson to bed.

“I have to work in the morning,” Wes reminds me when I get into bed next to him.

“I know. You’re leaving at seven, right?”

“Yeah. And then I have some campaign shit to do.” He turns off the bedside light and takes me in his arms. “I want to stay home with you.”

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