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“Merry Christmas!” Jackson shouts, running through the kitchen. He’s on the lookout for more presents.

“Hey, Sheriff,” Owen says, piling more cookies on his plate. Ever since I won the election, that’s all he’ll call me. He knows it annoys me.

“Hey,” I say back, letting it go this time. “Save some for the rest of us.”

“You should have gotten here sooner.”

Mom comes in, shooing Owen away with her hand. “Those are for dessert. We haven’t even had dinner yet.” She gives me a hug and moves on to Scarlet.

“You look lovely, dear. And I love your necklace.”

“Thanks,” Scarlet says, hand going to her neck. “Wes got it for me for Christmas.”

“He has good taste.” Mom smiles and goes to the stove to check on dinner.

“Yeah,” Scarlet says with a smile. “He does.” The necklace is a little star, encrusted with diamonds. I know how much she loves to look at the stars. I fill a plate with appetizers and take Scarlet’s hand, going into the living room to find my other siblings. We’re early, but soon my extended family will shuffle into the house and things will get loud.

“Logan brought Danielle?” Scarlet whispers, slowing before we get into the living room. “I thought they were just friends?”

“That’s what he tells us.”

No one believes them, and if they really are just friends, then they’re both missing out. I don’t know Danielle well, but she seems nice enough and gets along with Logan better than anyone I’ve seen him with.

He brought her to Thanksgiving too, which threw us all for a loop. He’s never brought anyone home for a holiday. He claims it was because Danielle’s at odds with her family right now. They’re rather conservative and had a whole plan laid out for the rest of her life that she had no say in. She basically ran away from it all last year, coming to live at her grandfather’s farm here in Eastwood.

“Quinn and I had an idea and we think—”

“No,” I say with a laugh. “We shouldn’t get involved. And you know by now how much my sister likes to play matchmaker.”

Scarlet smiles and gives my hand a squeeze. “Maybe just a little push?”

I shrug, not seeing how any harm can come from that. “Fine. But nothing more than a little push.”

I don’t see how the push can hurt, and if one of them confesses how they really feel they finally won’t be able to deny it anymore. I want my brother to be happy, and I know he’ll be happy with Danielle.

A push could be a good thing.

Unless they’re pushed too far.

“Merry Christmas,” Quinn says, coming into the room. She’s holding Emma, who’s dressed like a little elf.

“Oh my God,” Scarlet coos, going over. “This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!”

“She’s adorable!” Kara agrees.

“Does it make you want one?” Quinn teases.

“Nope. No way.”

Scarlet takes Emma from Quinn’s arms, cradling her against her chest. Her eyes meet mine and I know what she’s thinking, because right now I’m thinking the same thing.

It’s making us both want a baby.

“Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas?” Archer asks Jackson, scooping him up.

“I did!” Jackson says excitedly and goes on to list all the new toys he got. I step next to Scarlet, putting my arm around her shoulder. I got everything I want too.

Scarlet’s phone rings, and she scrambles to get it from her purse. Her brother is supposed to be calling today, and was trying to call around this time. He’s stationed somewhere new and it’s looking like he’ll come home in January.

I go into the kitchen, finding Owen stealing more cookies, and take one too. Mom comes in and shoos us both away. Scarlet is in the dining room, and I want to give her some space while she talks to her brother. I go back into the living room with the rest of my family, hanging out and talking until it’s time for dinner.

Scarlet, Jackson, and I are stuffed and tired by the time we get home several hours later. I changed Jackson into his PJs and brushed his teeth at my parents, knowing he’d fall asleep on the short ride home. I carry him upstairs and lay him in bed.

“Dad?” he grumbles, eyes fluttering open.


“I love you.”

“I love you too, buddy.”

He closes his eyes and reaches for the yellow unicorn. “And I love Scarlet.”

“That’s something we both have in common.” I run my fingers through his hair and kiss his forehead. The kid is wiped out and falls asleep within minutes. I tuck him in and go downstairs to find Scarlet.

Only, she’s not in the house. This time, there’s no panic or worry. I know exactly where she is.

Grabbing a blanket from the couch, I find her on the back porch steps, looking up at the clear sky above us. I sit next to her, draping the blanket around our shoulders.

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