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“So now you’re mad at me?” My voice gets higher pitched than I’d like. “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t ask for your permission to date Archer. I forgot he belongs to you and you alone.”

“Dean,” Archer starts, and Jackson runs back into the dining room, holding a bag of Sour Patch Kids he took from my purse.

“Can I have these, Aunt Winnie?”

“Sure, if your daddy says it’s okay.”

Jackson jumps up and down and toddles over to Weston, asking him if he can have the candy.

“Enough,” Dad says, voice booming over everyone. “You both have valid points.”

“Really, Dad?” I throw up my hands. “Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot we went back fifty years and I needed approval from the men of the house before I can date someone. Why don’t you arrange my marriage and line up a dowry too?”

“Quinn, you’re overreacting,” Mom says softly. I have a tendency to do that, and it never went unmentioned growing up. “Calm down, everyone. This is a sensitive subject, but yelling and pointing blame isn’t going to solve anything.”

I lean back, heart racing. Archer’s arm is still around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. I’m starting to feel sick again.

“Dean,” Mom starts. “Quinn is right, and she and Archer are free to date whoever they want, including each other. Quinn, you have to understand the shock it gives to all of us to find out you two are a couple. I certainly didn’t expect it, though I can’t say I’m surprised.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Dean rounds on Mom. “And how are you okay with this?”

Mom gives Dean a stern look, silently telling him to calm the fuck down and stop being such a possessive asshole. Archer is his own person and doesn’t need Dean’s permission to do anything.

“Who wouldn’t want to date Quinn?” Mom asks seriously, and if things weren’t so tense, I’d tell her to stop. “And Archer…I hope this means we’ll be seeing you more often.”

“Seriously, Mom?” Dean spits out. “She’s dating my best friend.”

“I’m sorry, Kara,” Owen says seriously. “I think the truth is coming out. Clearly, Dean doesn’t want anyone else getting in with the good doctor because he wants him all for himself.”

“Shut up,” Dean deadpans, annoyed with Owen already.

Owen makes a face like he doesn’t understand Dean’s disdain. “Why else would you be so possessive of Archer? What really went on behind closed doors in that dorm?”

“You’d be pissed if she was dating your best friend.”

“I would be too,” Logan interjects, a smirk on his face. “We’d have bigger problems than this if Quinn wanted to date Owen’s best friend.” He turns to me and winks. “But I think I’m safe there, right sis?”

“You are all ridiculous.” I shake my head. “Archer and I are a couple, Dean, deal with it.”

“Look,” Archer starts, looking across the table at Dean. “I should have told you, and I’m sorry for that. But I really care about Quinn, and we’re happy together.”

“That’s what matters,” Mom presses. “You both deserve to be happy. Yes, it’s a surprise, but we love you both and want you to be happy.”

“How long has this been going on?” Dean asks through gritted teeth.

I open my mouth just to snap it shut again. We slept together before we became a couple, and once Dean knows I got knocked up from what was basically a one-night stand, he’ll be even more pissed.

“A while,” Archer answers for me. He turns in, looking into my eyes. “Your mom is right. Who wouldn’t want to date Quinn? She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, and I’ve wanted to ask her out for years but didn’t because I didn’t want to piss you off,” he admits, selling it so well I almost believe it.

“What changed?” Weston interjects.

I got her pregnant, I imagine Archer saying. Instead, he tightens his arm around me. He doesn’t feel tense though, not like I do. “I caved and kissed her. I haven’t been able to look back since.”

He’s telling the truth, to an extent. Is he telling the truth about liking me for years too?

“Grammy, Grammy,” Jackson says, tugging on my mom’s sleeve. He’s holding something else now and is asking her what it is.

“I don’t like this,” Dean huffs. “You don’t have my blessing.”

I shake my head. “Sorry to tell you I’m not losing sleep over it. I haven’t before, and I won’t now.” I take a small drink of water, hoping to settle my stomach. Dean will come around eventually, like Archer said. It’s going to be a rough road, but we’ll get down it.

Well, until they find out about the baby. Last night, Archer told me not to worry about my family’s approval, and it hit me how much I seek it. My whole life they’ve supported me, told me how proud they are of me, and protected me. My parents worked their asses off for me, and all four of my brothers would take a bullet for me in a heartbeat.

I’m a grown woman with a good job, a healthy bank account, and my own place. It’s not like I’m sixteen and pregnant. And as far as baby daddies go, I hit the jackpot with a sexy surgeon.

Still, I’m terrified to see the disapproval in their eyes. Maybe we should wait until tomorrow, deviating from my plan to further liquor my parents up, remind my mom how much she desperately wants another grandchild, and then spring the news on her.

My stomach protests and my throat feels sick. I’m definitely not ready to tell them now. I just need to make it through dinner and then go lay down, preferably with Archer’s arms around me.

Jackson gives my mom something, and I realize what it is a moment too late. He was digging through my purse to get the candy, but that’s not the only thing he took from there.

And now Mom is holding the ultrasound pictures.



The air leaves my lungs, and if it weren’t for Archer’s arm around me, I might have fallen over. Mom’s eyebrows pinch together, and she tips her head looking at the images.

“Where did you get—” Mom tips her head, eyeing the photos. The blood drains from my face, and I can’t open my mouth to form the words to warn Archer.

“This has your name on it, Quinn,” she says quietly. And then it hits her. Her mouth opens, and she lets out a gasp. The ultrasound pictures fall to the table, and Dad picks them up.

It doesn’t take him long to come to the same conclusion. He stands up so fast his chair scoots out from behind him and falls over.

“You knocked up my daughter?”

A hush falls over the room, and I swear even the dogs stopped sniffing around the table to look.

“Quinn,” Mom starts, still looking confused. She picks up the chair and reaches up for Dad’s wrist, pulling him back down. “What…when…are you sure?”

“Wait a minute,” Owen says, reaching across the table for the ultrasound pictures. “You’re pregnant?”

I cover my face with my hands, unable to deal right now. Archer’s arm tightens around me. Now he’s tense. Stunned silence holds the room in an awkward pause, and the calm before the storm is even worse than one-hundred-mile-per-hour winds.

“Yes,” Archer says, and I don’t know how he’s able to sound so calm and certain. It must come with the territory of being a doctor. He has to deliver bad news and can’t come undone when he talks to patients. “She is.”

“You. Knocked. Up. My. Sister,” Dean says slowly, letting it sink in. And then he jumps up, fists curled. Weston’s faster and stronger and easily shoves Dean back into his chair.

I peel my hands away from my face, heart in my throat. Mom is looking at the ultrasound photos again, but her expression is unreadable. Dad grinds his jaw, eyes narrowed as his gaze shifts back and forth between Archer and me.

“How far along are you?” Kara asks quietly.

“Almost seven weeks,” I reply, having a hard time finding my voice.

“First you date my sister, then you get her pregnant,” Dean says through clenched t

eeth. “Fuck you, man.”

No one scolds him for his language. Jackson went into the living room anyway, and I can hear him playing with some sort of Mickey Mouse toy.

“Grow up, Dean,” I snap. “It’s not like we did this on purpose.”

Dad shakes his head. “How did this happen?”

“You don’t know how babies are made?” Owen says, trying to lighten the mood. “You have five of them, I thought you’d have figured it out.”

Dad sits back down, finally giving into Mom’s persistent tugging. “Can you explain how the two smartest people I know could do something so stupid.”

“Harold,” Mom scolds. “That’s enough. We didn’t plan our first one either.”

“Seriously?” Weston exclaims, then shakes his head. “That’s not important right now.”

Dad waves his hand at Owen. “Your brother’s slept with half of Eastwood and he’s never knocked anyone up.”

“Not that we know of,” Logan mutters under his breath.

“Quinn,” Dad says, exasperated, and I see it. The worry behind the anger. The questioning of my future, the disappointment. “You’re smart. And Archer,” he practically growls Archer’s name. “You’re a doctor. Don’t you know how the human body works?”

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