Page 15 of The Heir

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She giggles. “I heard you’re the new editor of Fashion Rome. It is one of my favorite magazines.”

“I’m afraid I’ve been the editor for such a short time, I haven’t done a single thing yet.”

“I’m sure you’ll do a great job … that is, if you continue.”

“What do you mean?”

She looks surprised. “Surely, you won’t continue with the magazine after you and Dante get married, will you?”

“Yes, I will. I want to work and Dante is fine with that.”

Her eyebrows rise. “Oh.” Then she smiles suddenly. “We need to sit down and have a good gossip session.”

Slightly taken aback, I stare at her. This is a princess, and she wants to gossip. She carries on looking at me expectantly so I motion in the direction of a nest of sofas and chairs, not really expecting her to take up my offer, but she immediately crosses in front of me and floats down into one of the winged chairs. I follow her and sit at one end of the sofa.

“So tell me all about how you met,” she invites.

My eyes widen at her directness.

“You’ll get used to me. Everyone eventually does, though it takes some people a lot of time.”

I laugh. “Yes, Dante told me about you.”

She leans forward eagerly. “What did he say?”

“Well, for one thing, he said you bring a breath of fresh air to the palace.”

“He said that, did he? That’s very nice of him. And what else did he tell you about me?”

“That you’re sassy.”

She throws back her head and laughs. “An apt description, I must say.” Then she becomes serious. “So come on. Tell me about how you met Dante, but most of all how you managed to tame him when no other woman could.”

“Well, I don’t know that I’ve tamed him.”

She gives me a meaningful look. “I watched you arriving from my window and he looked pretty tame to me.”

“He did?”

She nods. “It is common knowledge that Dante sowed a lot of wild oats in his time and you’ve put an end to all of it.” She glances at me more closely. “In the beginning, I had a choice between the two brothers, but I couldn’t be hacked with someone as wild as Dante. I mean, I would never be able to relax. What if he went back to his old ways? No, Linnus is much more my speed. Besides I wasn’t that special person to make a man like Dante stop whoring and settle down.”

I touch my stomach. “Well, I don’t think I am either, but he really wants to make this work for the sake of the child.”

“It doesn’t matter why, I’m just so glad you’re going to be a part of the family.” Even though we are the only people in the room she leans forward and whispers conspiratorially. “Linnus’s parents are so stuffy. It’s like they are caught in a time warp.”

“But I read they are one of the most progressive royal families in Europe.”

“No, that is not a word I would use on them. Not that I dislike either one of them. Far from it. I like them very much, but they wouldn’t know what progressive was if it sat up and slapped them with a wet fish.”

“Oh! Can you tell me about them? What they’re like?”

Her eyes run down my body. “They’ll like you; I’m certain of it, though neither of them likes to show any emotion in public. When I first got here I wondered if they had sex with all their clothes on.”

My eyes widen. I definitely did not want to gossip about Dante’s parents in this way. “I suppose they have their traditions and responsibilities to live up to.”

“You can say that again. They certainly keep their traditions going.” She laughs. “Just promise me something.”


“Once you’re married to my brother-in-law, please don’t change and become like everyone else in this palace.”

“I’ll certainly try.” I look into her eyes. “Seems you managed that just fine.”

“I’d like to think so. I’ll kill myself before I become one of the walking dead around here.”

I laugh. “If you don’t mind my asking are you also from a royal background?”

“I don’t mind at all.” She sighs. “My father is a Count.”

“A Count?”

“Minor royalty, I suppose. But my father never much considered that important.” She raises her eyes to meet mine. “I hope you don’t hold it against me.”

I gaze at her surprised. “Why would I do such a thing?”

“Inverse snobbery is very fashionable these days. Talking about fashion, how would you like to go shopping tomorrow afternoon?”


“Why not? Avanti is a tiny country, but we have excellent stores. Nearly anything you’d ever want is right here.”

“Uh … it’s just I don’t know what plans Dante has made.”

She laughs as if I have said something really funny. “Dante wouldn’t have made any plans for tomorrow afternoon. He knows that you have to get ready for the ball.” She frowns. “Did you bring something for the ball?”

“Yes, I brought a dress.”

She springs up. “Show me.”

I go to the walk-in closet with her following closely behind. I open the cupboard and take out my dress. It’s made of black lace, with floral appliqués across the bodice.

She frowns. “Well, it’s very nice, but I’m afraid it won’t be grand enough. You’re the guest of honor.”

I look at the dress that I had thought would be perfect because of its simplicity.

“Don’t worry. I know just the place we can get something awesome for you.”

I take my time hanging the dress back in the closet while I decide what is the best way to handle the situation. Judging by the fact that she is wearing the latest Gucci dress while she is technically at home, a shopping expedition with her will definitely be more expensive than I can afford. I turn back. “I … er … ”

“What?” she asks, her bright eyes round with curiosity.

To my relief, I am saved by a knock at the door. “Rosa, are you there?” Dante calls.

We walk back into the bedroom. “Yes, come on in.”

“Hey, Cassandra,” Dante says as he walks in.

“It is good to see you again, Dante.”

“Likewise.” He turns to me. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Cassandra and I are just becoming acquainted”

“I’m trying to persuade your fiancée to take a shopping trip with me tomorrow afternoon. We need to get her a suitable ball gown, but she is reluctant because she doesn’t know what you have planned for her.”

He turns to look at me. “Yes, go get something lovely for yourself. Just put everything on my account.”

Cassandra winks at me. “See how easy that was. Right. I’ll see you at 2 p.m. tomorrow?”

Chapter 27


“How’s your horse?” I ask as soon as the door closes.

“I didn’t know if he would be distant with me because I haven’t seen him in two years, but he was ecstatic to see me again.” He takes my hand, and sitting on the sofa, tugs me into his lap.

I snuggle my face between his neck and shoulder, amazed at how perfect it feels to be so close to him. “So tell me how he reacted.”

His arms circle my waist. “Even though he is sick, he was so excited to see me he was like a damn puppy. He kept pawing the ground, neighing, and trying to get up on his hind legs.”

I look up into his eyes. “Will he get better?”

He nods. “I think so.”

“Good.” I wriggle to get comfortable.

“Are you looking for trouble, young lady?” he asks lazily.

I stop wriggling. “No. I was trying to get comfortable. You are too hard.”

“Damn right. I’m hard. I’ve got your delicious bottom on my dick.”

I look up at him from beneath my lashes. Sometimes I still can’t believe that I’m with Dante. “You know we can’t do it now. Anyone could walk in on us.”

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