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“Yeah, it’s not like we started off on the best foot,” Kayden reminds me with a grin. That’s also the truth.

“But then you realized how amazing I am, and you didn’t want to let me go.” I laugh out loud at my words, but Kayden doesn’t laugh. He looks serious, as if he’s about to admit something, and for a second, I pull in a deep breath and wait.

He slowly nods. “Yeah, that’s exactly it. A beauty who stole my heart and mind and kept it locked up in her dainty hands.” And at his words, my stomach tumbles. Even though it’s not what I thought he would say, it still makes me feel like I’m floating.

“I promise to keep it safe.”

“And I promise to keep yours safe,” Kayden attests before leaning in to kiss me, and as always, my toes curl as pleasure rockets through me at the contact. It doesn’t matter what he does, he always sends my body and mind into disarray.

He pulls away and locks his gaze with mine. The electricity zinging in the air around us sizzles with promise, with something even more intense than I’m expecting.

“You’re mine. I meant it when I said it.” His words are a salve, a balm to the usual worry that snakes its way through me, and I allow it to calm the tension. As much as I want to relax and enjoy our journey, there’s something that’s still bothering me, and even though I know I should bring it up, I don’t want to break the spell.

So, instead of mentioning it, I revel in the warmth of Kayden. Our food arrives, and even as we enjoy the meal and head back to his place for dessert, I know something is coming.

A storm.

A tornado.

Something is about to crash into our lives, and even though I’m not sure what it will be, I know it’s going to wreck the happiness we’ve found and leave destruction in its wake.20KaydenWalking into Mercer Industries with the memory of Haelee on my mind and on my lips has me grinning even though I’m about to step into a board meeting I’ve been dreading.

I took her home after our lunch, but I can’t stop craving more of her. There is something about being her first, and it comes out every time we’re together, including fucking her again right after we ate our lunch. I knew she was mine the moment I laid my eyes on her, but it was when she clawed my back, when she wrapped her legs around my waist, and when she pulled me closer, wanting me to take the one thing she held dear that I knew I couldn’t, wouldn’t, deny her anything.

The sun is out today, and being in a fucking suit and tie has me uncomfortable. I’ve always hated dressing up. The noose around my neck is frustrating as I push open the door to the boardroom. All eight men sit around the large table, but what shocks me is that at the head of it is my mother.

There’s a look of disdain painted on her face as if it’s been etched in those lines and wrinkles she tries so hard to hide. But I see her. I’ve always seen the way she looks at me.

I never understood how a mother could be so unloving. There’s not a bone in her body that’s maternal in any way. I’m convinced she only had me because my father wanted an heir.

“Mother,” I greet her, then take in each man as they watch me settle at the opposite end of the table. “Gentlemen.” Once I’m seated, my mother rises and makes her way toward me. Something seems off, and I’m almost certain she’s about to deal a blow that’ll hit me right in the jaw.

I wouldn’t put it past her to steal something my father left to me. Yes, I wanted her help with this company because my focus was on racing. But to have her claim it fully, that’s not something I’m prepared for. She sets a folder on the shiny mahogany in front of me.

“I think you’ll find the board will agree with me. You’re no longer fit to run your father’s company. I’ve spoken with them, and we’ve agreed to buy you out.” Her words are cold, pure ice.

I pick up the folder and flip it open. A document with information about the company being handed over. The sale of my shares. It needs my signature. But then I flip it over and find an envelope, rip it open, and inside I find photos. A lot of fucking photos.

“What the fuck is this?” My teeth grit, my jaw clenching painfully as I flip through them, but I don’t need to see each one to know what the fuck my mother’s problem is.

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