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“You’re not ‘just you’, and that’s what makes you so much more alluring.” When we finally reach our destination, I notice Curtis’s Jeep parked in the spot right at the entrance. I asked him if I could come out here and enjoy the day with her. The moment I called him last night, he knew. And when I told him my plans, he was up for it.

He’s been single all his life, never had one serious relationship, just like me. That’s probably why we bonded so much. We had the same outlook on life. Racing was it, and it’s all we could do to not focus on the fact that something was missing.

It was only until I had finally admitted I was attracted to Haelee, not just her body, but those intelligent, yet sassy remarks she comes up with. But I love learning about her. Knowing who she is makes her even more intriguing and has me asking more questions than I ever thought I would.

“Is this … is this a racetrack?” she finally asks when I kill the engine, and we’re sitting in silence. The awe in her tone makes me smile. It’s moments like these that make my chest tighten because I’m showing her something for the first time. Yeah, she’s seen the professionally made tracks, but this is something else.

The barriers are all made of heavy sand. The cars have been modified within an inch of their lives. Think Fast and the Furious on speed. Excuse the pun.

“Yeah, my friend Curtis set this up a few years ago. It’s a place to unwind. Even though I’m now racing for Colton, I come here just to have fun. It’s safe, and the cars are breathtaking.”

The door to the office opens, and Curtis saunters out with a pretty brunette on his arm. I recognize her immediately as one of the pit girls from a race we had a few months ago. She’s been around Curtis on and off since, but I have a feeling my friend has been holding out on me.

Haelee and I exit my car and head over to the other couple. “Hey, man.” I shake Curtis’s hand before turning to the brunette. I can’t remember her name, so I offer a smile. “Hi.”

“Hey, you’re … You’re Kayden Mercer?”

“I am, and this is Haelee Pearson,” I tell them, watching my girl interact with someone I’m almost certain she’s nervous to talk to.

“Hi,” is all she says, but she stands firm, her shoulders squared. And once again, my chest tightens with the reminder that this girl is turning my life on its fucking head. The fact that I even thought of her as my girl is not lost on me.

“So, you’re the beauty from the bar,” Curtis says in an amused tone. “It’s nice to finally meet you. My man here didn’t want to introduce me. You know, he’s quite possessive.”

“Shut up, asshole,” I bite out, annoyed at his taunts. “Can we get inside and put some cars to the test?”

“Yeah, sure. We’re heading out to grab coffee and snacks. Be back in a few. Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do,” he warns with a cocky wink before disappearing into the Mustang waiting for him. Asshole. Sometimes, I wonder how we’re even friends.

“She seems nice,” Haelee remarks. “Your friend is funny.” I turn to her, meeting those pretty, cocoa eyes.

“My friend is an asshole,” I inform her coolly, causing her to laugh. “And yeah, that’s one of our pit girls. I can’t remember her name.” I reach for her hand, praying she doesn’t pull away, but she doesn’t, and I can breathe a sigh of relief. I lead her through the doors, and we make our way straight for the garage.

Inside, there are five cars, and the moment Haelee’s eyes spot them, she’s practically squealing. Most girls would be freaking out over a pair of shoes or an expensive designer dress, but her, she’s in love with cars.

She couldn’t be more perfect for me. But the problem is, I know at some point, I’m going to fuck this up and break her heart. And that’s what scares me the most.

I’m proud of her so far. My chest swells with knowing that she’s going to make it in this industry. She has tenacity I never had at her age.

I lean against the wall, my arms crossed over my chest as I watch her inspect each and every car. I have to admit they’re dick-hardening. I’ve always loved cars, but Curtis has gone out of his way to ensure he chose the best five for us today.

He may be an asshole, but I have to thank him for impressing my girl.13HaeleeI’m in love.

Every vehicle in this garage is pure bliss. The smooth finishes, the bright colors, even the shiny wheels. Every single inch of them is perfect. I’ve spent my life around things like this, but it never fails to excite me when I find another car I like. And this time is no different.

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