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I never thought I would be able to understand that. Even now, I don’t think I could ever love someone because the example I grew up with is so far removed from the happy families most kids I went to school with had. I think it’s a beautiful thing to have that one person who can complete you in many ways. But to find it, is rare.

“I’m sorry for your loss,” I tell her before taking a sip of the strong caffeine. The delicious flavor bursts on my tongue when Haelee informs her mother that I’m one of Colton’s new drivers as well as her coach. We settle into a comfortable conversation, and I’m happy to have come in to meet the woman who raised Haelee.

“Can we go now?” Haelee asks, and her mother laughs.

Caroline rises from her seat with a grin on her face before she says, “Of course. Kayden, thank you for spending some time with me. I’d like to invite you to dinner one night. I’m not sure what you kids have planned over the weekend, but let me know.” I haven’t been called a kid in a long while, but it feels good. My mom would hate Caroline since she still thinks my father and I were the banes of her existence.

“I’d like that. Perhaps we can come back here tonight for dinner?” I offer, hoping it’s not too much of an imposition, but her face lights up, and I know I’ve made the right decision.

“Great. I’ll make my famous chili. I know Haelee loves it.”

“That sounds delicious. I think I may overstay my welcome if there’s such good food going,” I tease Caroline as Haelee grabs her purse, and soon we’re saying our goodbyes. I finally have my girl in the car, and we’re off on an adventure.

“Where are we going?” she asks once we’re on the road.

“It’s a surprise,” I tell her.

I hear her sigh, but I don’t look at her. “My mom seems to like you,” she informs me, and I can tell it means a lot to her that I met her mother.

“I like her too. She seems like a good woman.” I don’t know much about Haelee’s past, but something tells me her birth mother wasn’t the best person. I would like to ask her about it, but I don’t want to upset her. Perhaps in time, she’ll feel comfortable enough to tell me about it. That is, if she even remembers her real mother.

“She is. I was really lucky to have been adopted by them. Even my dad was great. They both were a godsend to a young girl who didn’t have much going for her at the time.” Once more, I hear the pain in her voice, and I realize there’s so much depth to this woman that I want to delve into. I want to learn all there is to know about her. And I promise myself I’m not going to fuck this up.

I reach for the stereo to turn it on, and the deep bass of Anth comes through the speakers, which makes Haelee grin. The song, “Woah”, bounces around us, and I can’t stop glancing at her bobbing to the music. The more she moves, the more my thoughts turn to pure filth because all I can think about is watching her do that on top of me.

“I don’t mean to sound like a guy, but if you keep doing that, you’re going to kill me over here,” I tease, chuckling when she blushes. Her tanned cheeks turn a soft pink, and my focus is torn between the road and her.

When I glance her way again, I notice the small grin turning into a full-blown smile, which lights up her face in a way I haven’t seen before. It’s as if the sun is shining on her, making her skin glow beautifully. The smoothness making my fingertips tingle.

“You need to focus on the road,” she sasses me, and I like how at ease she is with me. “Besides, you’re the one listening to bad-ass rap.”

“I didn’t think girls were into rap,” I retort, knowing it’s going to spark her fire. Knowing her, she’ll defend the fact that women can listen to anything they want. I have to agree, but seeing her fired up makes my dick hard. And I can’t deny I like when she makes me hard.

“Are you being a chauvinistic asshole again?” she challenges, which has me laughing out loud.

Chuckling, I glance at her from the corner of my eye before responding, “You should be used to it by now.”

“I’m going to change that,” she warns me. “Trust me, you’ll see women as equals.” She taps my iPhone screen, turns up the music, and bounces in the seat, throwing her hands in the air as she sings along to Anth because she decided to replay the damn song and all I can think about is seeing her naked.

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