Page 10 of Enemies With Benefits (Loveless Brothers 1)
When he's finally done with me, Kassam gives my hip a little pat and pulls my skirts over my collapsed body again. "My good, sweet little anchor. Stay here and rest while I speak with Seth." He squeezes my butt cheek affectionately and then heads for the bathroom. I hear the snap of the condom as he removes it, the sound of him washing off, and then he flicks the light off. "Rest for a bit. I'll need you again shortly."
I moan against the mattress, collapsed into bed. I should get up and listen at the door, I decide as he shuts it behind him and returns to the living room. Listen at the door and figure out their plans so I know what's going on.
Instead, I collapse in an exhausted, spent heap and doze.
Something tickles my nose as I sleep. Annoyed, I rub my nostrils and turn over, only for the tickling to continue. Frowning, I open my eyes…
Only to see a very smug-looking Kassam perched on the edge of my bed, teasing my nose with nothing other than my vibrator.
I jerk upright with a screech. "What the fuck!?"
He grins at me, waving it in the air. "Is this your dildo? Is that what you mentioned when you said you didn't need me?" His silver eyes gleam with excitement as he examines it. "Why does it have all these buttons down here?"
I snatch it from him, horrified. I’m glad he hasn’t figured out how to turn it on. I guess they don’t have vibes in his world. "How did you find this?" I tuck it under my leg to hide it from his grasp and rub my nose again. "And why were you rubbing it against my nose?"
Kassam shrugs. "I was bored and wanted you to wake up. I should have used it on you instead, yes?" He gives me a sultry look. "Give it back and I promise I'll make you feel good."
I grab my pillow and smack him in the face with it instead. Now that I'm awake, I feel a little more like myself and I'm remembering what happened in my living room. A god named Loki-slash-Seth showed up and Kassam fucked me in front of him. And I let it happen, because I was out of my mind with lust thanks to the lack of crystals. "I hate you. I hate you so much right now."
"Is that a no?" He puts a big hand on my leg. "Can I lick your pussy instead?"
It takes everything I have not to kick him in his face. I bat at him with my pillow again instead. "I don't want any more sex," I snap. "Don't you think we've had enough for one damn day?"
I huff, my nostrils flaring with irritation, and clutch the pillow against me as Kassam flashes me another easy grin, gets up from the bed, and moves to the window. I touch my clothes, checking myself over. I'm wearing my sundress still, but that's it. The skirt is stuck to the back of my thighs, and I flush with the shame of it. Even though I reek of sex and probably pulled a muscle somewhere, I feel like…myself. A little less sex-crazed, which is an absolute relief. I glance up at Kassam, who's wearing the same T-shirt and sweatpants he always is. "My crystals?"
"Next to the bed. I retrieved them while you slept." He turns and glances down at me. "You're welcome."
I resist the urge to make a rude gesture and glance over. Sure enough, there's my pile of quartz jewelry. Thank goodness. I immediately start putting them on, looking over at Kassam as he watches the window. "What are you looking for?"
"Just looking at the moon," he says. "It is nothing but a tiny slice in the sky. Did you know it's white here? And so small, too."
Interesting. "What color is the moon in your world?"
He gestures with his arms, indicating size. "Very big, very red. Quite magnificent. But I suppose everything is bigger and prouder in my world." The look he gives me is lascivious, and I know he's thinking of his cock.
I roll my eyes. "Not everything is about sex, Kassam."
"It is when you're Hedonism. I could be having an orgy right now." He lets out a wistful sigh. "I truly would like a good orgy, actually. They really do take the edge off."
"Feel free to have one," I say sweetly, slipping the last bit of jewelry onto my wrist. "And feel free to release me from our agreement."
"You know I cannot do that, my little light." He moves to the bed and sits down across from me. "So here I will stay, orgy-less and sad."
I ignore that, glancing at the clock. It's late. I scrub a hand down my face, and my belly rumbles. I'm starving, and I'm sticky, and I'm curiously exhausted. "How about I clean up and change, and then we'll find an all-night restaurant somewhere, okay? We'll get you pancakes. You like pancakes, don't you?"