Page 43 of Ruthless Redemption

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Page 43 of Ruthless Redemption

“No! No! I have to!” I screamed as I kicked my legs and flung my arms in an attempt to get free again. “He’s a monster. He’s never going to stop.”

“I know he is. And I’ll make sure he never hurts you again.”

I dissolved into sobs against the stranger. “I’ll ne—never be fr—free.” I could barely speak beyond the emotions clogging my throat.

“You’ll be fi—“


I barely processed the word before I was shoved to the ground and a heavy weight came crashing down on top of me—crushing me.

“No bitch can take me—“

A piercing crack popped next to my ear. A deafening sound that made everything else disappear. My ears rang. I couldn’t breathe.

Muffled shouting erupted as my mind floated somewhere beyond. The heavy weight on top of me disappeared and still I felt nothing as my thoughts scattered and exploded around me.

Is this what dying felt like? Had my father managed to shoot me after all?

A well of remorse suddenly engulfed me as I thought of Houston and what my death would mean to him. I know he had feelings for me and I definitely loved him. Maybe I could get a message to him. Let him know that it’s okay. That it’s not his fault. I only wished we had more time…

I struggled to clear the fog. I had to find my way clear and tell someone.

“Izzy! Izzy!” Someone was yelling my name. Houston maybe? “Izzy, look at me. Are you hurt?”

No, not Houston. But I knew that voice.

“Izzy, please.”


Oh good. Axel would give Houston a message. But I had to open my mouth. And my eyes. But it was so hard. I felt like I couldn’t move. I just wanted to stay still and do nothing.

“Is she breathing?” someone else asked.

I felt a slight pressure at my throat as I tried to force my eyes open.


“I’m not finding any source for all the blood. It must all be his.”

“Well, get her cleaned up before Houston comes in here. He’s gonna freak.”

“He’s the one that caused the mess. I think he can get over it.”

“Houston,” I finally got my mouth open and pushed out a word.

“There you are. Scared the shit out of me for a minute.”

I still hadn’t gotten my eyes opened, but I recognized Axel’s voice. Whatever the hell had happened at least I wasn’t alone.

“Dying. Ca-can’t breathe.”

“Fuck. I might have broken some ribs when I jumped on her.”

“Good thing you did or that bullet could have hit her.” Axel sounded pissed, scared even. I tried to lift my hand to touch and soothe him.

“Nah, Houston took that shot. He doesn’t miss.”

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