Page 112 of Game Changer
Best birthday EVER.
“Uh. Thanks?” he said, putting his guitar down and jumping down from the stage. He picked her up and spun her around.
“How did you? What did you? Uhm. Huh?
She giggled.
He nodded.
“Good, that’s only the first one!”
“The first one?” he managed. “What’s the other one?”
Doesn’t matter, you’ve peaked. There’s nothing you can give me right now that will make me happier than I am in this moment. You’re here!
“Well, I have a few,” she started. “You might want to get a drink,” she told him grinning.
“Ok.” He kissed her. “You look good,” he said, smiling.
“You ready to go, Irish?” Jeremy asked.
“Go? Go where? She just got here!” AJ protested, slipping his arms around her. “Where does she have to go?”
Nope. I don’t care where you think she needs to be, Jer. It’s absolutely, positively not happening. She’s here, with me. Go away!
Producing a microphone, Jeremy handed it to her, and she said, “Up there,” pointing to the stage.
“What? You? Why? I’m so confused.”
Holy shit, is she going to sing? I take it back. Totally going to be happier than I was a minute ago!
“Get a drink and sit down,” she told him smiling, “and don’t worry. I’m not leaving. Also, don’t touch your presents until I say so, ok?”
“You got me presents, too?”
“Yeah, the boxes.”
“They’re from you?” He felt as though he needed to run and splash cold water on his face to wake him up from whatever dream he was in.
She nodded.
“One surprise at a time,” she told him with a wink as she made her way to the stage.
Shit, she looks terrified. Tell her she doesn’t have to! Smile at her, reassure her, somehow. I just want you in my arms, Lis!
“Hey everyone. So, at least this bunch of people over here know who I am. And, if you don’t, well, my name is Lisa, and I know you’re expecting to hear AJ and the guys, but I have something I’d like to sing for AJ because it’s his birthday and I flew the whole way from Ireland to sing this one song to him on his special day – would that be ok?”
The room clapped and cheered.
I do love it when your cheeks flush pink, Lis.
Giving a nod to Brad, the music started up and she sang. It was a song he had sent to her at the very beginning of their relationship, when they barely knew each other. The song immediately warmed his heart.
Perfect choice, Miss Millar.
Their eyes met his, and she held his gaze. He could tell how terrified she was, but she was doing well to hide it from the rest of the room. When she had finished, she half shrugged as people clapped, and he grabbed her in a HUGE hug as she tried to get off stage.