Page 83 of Shattered Secrets

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Page 83 of Shattered Secrets

“Already done, boss. Also, with the facial rec, we’ll get notified if any of them hop on a ferry coming this way.”

“Good work, B. Scarlet?”

Her gaze shot to Gavin’s. “Yes?”

“We’ll keep Xander on Daisy. Have you met Natasha Silver?”

She shook her head.

“Well, you’re about to. I’m assigning Tash to you for the next couple weeks.” Scarlet’s eyebrows rose in surprise, but Gavin kept talking. “I’ll have her swing by your house today so you can meet her.”

“Okay, um, but do you think that’s necess?—”

“Yes,” Matt said. “Until we know who the players are and whether it’s you or Daisy or both of you being targeted, it’s better to play it safe.”

Gavin nodded. “Agreed. We’ll give it a week, then reevaluate. I’ll check in with you two lat?—”

A loud ding drew their attention.

“Hang on,” Bean murmured. Her brow furrowed in concentration, and Scarlet heard the furious clicks of the woman typing. “Got him.”

The right side of the screen changed to a video of the mystery man entering a gas station. The camera provided a full, clear, color view of his face.

“That’s Michael Wilson,” Bean said. “Thirty-nine. Resides in Beulah, Wyoming, which is right across the border from South Dakota. No arrests. No warrants. Not even a parking ticket.”

Another image appeared. A Wyoming driver’s license. Bean enlarged it, and Scarlet gasped. She knew her eyes were bugging out of her head, but ohmygod...

Seconds of silence ticked by before Matt muttered a curse. “Pull up Steele’s photo, B. Side by side.”

“Oh wow,” Bean said at the same time Gavin asked, “Are they brothers?”

Looking at the photos of the men next to each other had Scarlet’s heart hammering in her chest. Her palms grew damp. This was not good. Not good at all.

“Maybe, but it’s more than that,” Matt said, tapping on his phone. He held it up and showed Gavin and Bean his screen.

Scarlet didn’t need to see. She knew what he was showing them.

“Holy shit,” Bean said on an exhale.

Gavin made a noise in the back of his throat. It sounded a lot like a growl. “Okay, then. Scarlet?”

She looked up, but before meeting Gavin’s gaze, she examined the photo on Matt’s phone screen. It was of Daisy. Close up. Her mouth and chin were stained blue and red from popsicles, and her face was lit up with joy. Her bright-blue eyes twinkled with laughter. Bright-blue eyes that were theexact same shade as Steele’s. The exact same shade as Michael Wilson’s.

“Scarlet?” Gavin repeated.

When she finally met his gaze, the intensity in his expression should have scared her. Or at least made her nervous. But it didn’t. Instead, it soothed her. Gavin was on her side. Ontheirside.

“Wewillprotect Daisy. I swear it.”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

“I found their connection,” Bean said.

Another mug shot appeared on the screen. This time, of an older woman with the same bright-blue eyes.

“Tracy Ruth Wilson. Bio mom to both Steele MacBride and Michael Wilson.” Bean’s eyes narrowed as she read something offscreen. “She had four kids. Three boys and a girl, but Steele looks to be the only one she didn’t have custody of. He was raised by his dad, Rory MacBride, aka the president of the Reaper’s Assassins Motorcycle Club. Five months after Steele died in prison, MacBride was arrested for killing two cops. He got two consecutive life sentences and will be at Jameson Annex, South Dakota’s Level V facility, until he dies.”

“Are they affiliated with any of the larger MCs?” Gavin asked.

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