Page 70 of Inferno
Bernstein ushered them to a side room, off the main waiting area. He shut the door, closing the three of them in a quiet space not as cool as the entrance. He sat on the edge of a metal desk, some kind of maintenance office.
Probably not what the person who worked in here intended their office to be used for.
“When you said Detective Alvarez, I wasn’t sure who you were coming to see. But when I saw you”—Bernstein motionedto Samantha—“I realized this was about Richard Sylvana. Right?”
Samantha nodded.
“I’m afraid you won’t be able to talk to him. Sylvana was found dead in his cell earlier this morning. Looks like a heart attack, but I’m not sure if there will be an autopsy or not.” Bernstein shrugged. “Sometimes families don’t care enough to ask for one. Or the state won’t pay for it if there’s no sign of foul play.”
“But they’ll run a tox screen, right?” Romeo asked. “Make sure he wasn’t poisoned?”
“They might not know what to test for specifically,” Samantha said. “Something that wouldn’t show up on the standard tests.”
Romeo didn’t look pleased.
She turned to the warden. “Did he share a cell?”
“Not last night,” Bernstein said. “His cellmate has been in solitary the last week. He’s due back tonight.”
“Anyone come to see him recently who might’ve slipped him something? Or is there anyone in the inmate population you think might have reason to end his life?”
“All part of our investigation.”
That was fair enough. Samantha didn’t intend to step on his toes—or babysit a case not in her jurisdiction. Especially when it was unlikely their arsonist had come here and killed Sylvana. “Thank you for letting us know.” She shook Bernstein’s hand again. “We’ll get out of your hair.”
“Anytime.” He led them to the door.
They headed back to the car. She called Julio and filled him in.
He let out a frustrated noise when she was done, which she agreed with. And it was better than letting loose a curse word—even if he wanted to.
Her phone buzzed against her ear. “Bristol is boarding her plane. Where are you now?”
“Walking to my car, outside my house. Quick breakfast with a buddy of mine from church, and then I’ll be at the briefing.”
She pictured him outside. In the open. She turned away from Romeo and managed to say, “Be careful. Stay safe.”
“Sammy.” He said her name in a soft voice. “I could get used to that again.” Then he added, “I’ll be all right.”
She bit her lip. “See you soon.”
Julio scanned the conference room in the FBI office off the side of the PD building. Looking for Samantha. She and Romeo should be here already—he was surprised she hadn’t beaten him here.
Special Agent Addie Franklin smiled at him. “Good morning, Captain. Feeling better?” She might’ve been up in the night with her young child, but she certainly didn’t show it.
“I’ll feel better when we catch this guy.”
“The detective isn’t with you?” she asked.
“She and her partner took Samantha’s sister to the airport. She decided to go on an impromptu trip to see their parents.”
Addie nodded. “Wise choice. You didn’t manage to persuade Samantha to go with her?”
“It didn’t even occur to me to ask if she would.” He frowned. Should he have? Maybe the dislocated shoulder was affecting his judgment. But who could blame a guy for that?
“Another wise choice, Captain.” Addie saluted with her coffee mug. “She’s a police detective. She needs to do her job.”