Page 90 of The Woman Who Couldn't Scream
With a pointed finger at Zach, Sandie backed away from him as he stalked
her with a dark look that belied the light of mirth in his cobalt eyes. “See, you’re giving Paige a bad impression. Come on let’s go downstairs and we can watch for dolphins from the… front rail.”
Paige shook her head as Sandie took off with a squeal, Zach hot on her heels. Looking toward the brothers, she encountered the same feigned, thundercloud expressions on their faces as they approached her with slow, measured steps. With a hasty step back, she asked, “What? I don’t get what they were going on about.”
“Sandie likes to mislabel parts of the yacht on purpose to get Zach’s attention,” Trevor explained. A loud, flesh smacking sound reverberated from below, followed by Sandie’s high-pitched cry. “It looks like she received her punishment before you,” he taunted with a smirk.
“Me? What’d I do?” Unable to resist, she turned and wiggled her hips before skipping behind the front end of a lounge, putting the chaise between herself and them. She didn’t see the wide expanse of wavy blue ocean spread out around her; only the dark intent etched on their faces and the identical gleam of anticipation in their eyes. Her heartbeat kicked up a notch as they approached her from both sides. She’d intended to have a bit of fun at their expense, but she hadn’t counted on how fast they could turn the tables on her.
“You disparaged our efforts concerning your spanking last week,” Troy said. “And that’s after we were so nice to you and let you climax. You know what that means? We have to do better today. Starting now.”
Okay, so deep down, she’d known this was where her teasing would lead. In her mind, she’d rather break the ice early and get down to whatever they had planned so she could set aside her doubts and insecurities and go about enjoying this brief time with them. Sandie had played right along with her, and Paige wished the two of them could remain friends after today.
Trevor caught her as she tried to bolt over the lounge, but instead of sitting down on it, he bent her over one arm and flipped up her skirt with his other hand. The ocean’s balmy breeze wafted over her exposed flesh, stirring up a sexually charged shiver of awareness. The unexpected titillation forced the air from her lungs on a long groan. Her buttocks tightened around the plug, the pulsing of her nipples increasing when Troy rucked up her top and pulled it over her head.
“Hey! I didn’t mean anything by it!” she exclaimed, bracing for the first painful swat, praying for a less demoralizing response than the heated rush she’d experienced last week.
“Tsk, tsk, now you’re lying,” Trevor admonished before delivering a resounding slap on her right cheek. “You redden as nicely as I remember.”
Paige lost her breath from the sting of that sharp smack the moment his hand connected with her flesh; her heart skipped a beat with the next swat and sent a wave of heat over her face; her pussy fluttered and her mind turned to mush with the third, blistering spank. At this point, she didn’t know whether to beg for more or demand for him to stop. Then he soothed a hand over the flesh he had struck, the soft caress easing the ache and calming her rioting senses until Troy stirred them up again.
Reaching under her, he plucked at Paige’s distended nipples, the constant tightening and loosening of the huggers with her every movement driving her insane. “What’s nice about these clamps is that you can leave them on for long periods, but now it’s time for something a little more confining. Deep breath.”
Before she could comply, Troy tugged the loops off and blood rushed back into her engorged nipples. Another swat accompanied the tiny needle pricks of pain stabbing at the tender nubs. “Asshattery numbnuts!” It wasn’t the pain that drew her startled cry, but the shock of burning pleasure spreading up her core.
“Such a potty mouth. What are we going to do with you?” Trevor chided while delivering a smack right in the middle of her buttocks that pushed the plug deeper and added to the fiery streak of pleasure darting from her quivering anus into her sheath.
“I can think of several things.” Troy replaced the huggers with metal clamps that reignited the pain Paige refused to give in to. When he reached into his pocket to withdraw long, colorful metal feather weights to clip on to the loops, she slammed her eyes shut with a shudder.
“Are you still with us, Paige?” Trevor asked with another calming caress over her burning backside followed by a teasing glide up her damp seam.
Dawning a cloak of confidence she was far from feeling, Paige flipped her head around and pulled up a taunting smile to go along with a butt wiggle and her reply. “I can handle whatever you dish out, Trevor.”
One of those conspiratorial looks they were so good at passed between the brothers before Trevor returned her smile. “Then start by addressing us properly.” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him reach down and bring up a leather paddle just as a tug on her right nipple pulled her breast down with a heavy object. She didn’t have time to question how she’d missed seeing the implement stashed under the lounge before he instructed, “It’s Sir, or Master from now on.”
Oh, I don’t think so. “Shit!” Paige screeched when he brought the paddle down with a resounding whack that jarred her entire body. Troy attached the other feather weight, and now her breasts swayed with the laden jewelry that elongated her nipples and increased the throbbing intensity in the tender buds.
“There goes that mouth again. Trevor, let’s move to the lounge,” Troy suggested as Paige watched him loosen his pants.
Without warning, her discomfort took a new, exciting turn as Trevor guided her onto hands and knees on the padded chaise before settling behind her again. Her mouth watered when Troy knelt in front of her, cock in hand, an enticing pearl drop beading on the smooth crown. Another swat from the paddle covered her butt as Troy gripped her hair and lifted her face until she gazed into his lust-filled eyes. Power surged through Paige from the need he’d done nothing to hide, a need she’d stirred to life inside him.
“Yes or no?” he demanded, nudging her lips, rubbing the pre-cum droplet over them.
“I signed on for oral, didn’t I?” she returned before darting her tongue out and swiping over the smooth mushroom cap. “So, yes.”
“Yes, Sir,” he insisted in a hard tone.
Since attaining orgasm was now a priority, Paige complied without argument. “Yes, Sir.” Uttering those words triggered a small thrill that caught her unaware, but with his cock tempting her mouth, she saved delving into the why of her response until later. Opening her mouth, she wrapped her lips around his cockhead, wondering when the ache encompassing her buttocks and pulsing around her nipples had morphed into such sweet arousal. And then she ceased to think at all.
Troy kept her head immobile with his grip as he dipped further into her mouth. Trevor lightened up on the paddle, spanking her with just enough force to rock her already heightened senses while maintaining the tingling burn covering her cheeks. In an effort to regain control, she licked under the rim of Troy’s cap and laved the sensitive spot most men enjoyed until his hand in her hair loosened.
Hiding her triumph, she sucked him in deeper and traced over the throbbing veins along his shaft, feeling the pump of his blood against her tongue. The spanking stopped, followed by Trevor’s hands roaming over her throbbing buttocks, alternating between kneading and caressing until she couldn’t differentiate between the soreness and the pleasure encompassing her entire lower body.
“Son of a bitch,” Troy growled when she moaned around his flesh and then released him to suckle his balls.
“If she’s tormenting you that much, I’ll distract her.”
Paige was too busy working Troy’s cock again to heed what Trevor meant until she felt his wide shoulders pushing her knees further apart, his hands gripping her hips and lowering her to his mouth to nuzzle her pussy. His whiskers scratched the delicate skin of her inner thighs and sent a distracting rush of heat up her core. She faltered and held her breath when his thumbs slid up between her legs and spread her labia. Warm breath blew over her tender folds before he stabbed his tongue into her quivering
sheath. Sparks of pleasure ricocheted up her core, making it difficult to concentrate on pleasuring Troy. She fought back the arousal, determined to prove they couldn’t get the better of her, and focused on driving Troy crazy. Closing her eyes, Paige broke from his light grip of her hair and sucked hard and deep, never letting up on laving up and down and around and around his thick shaft. Drawing up with a strong suction, she clamped her lips around his crown and glided her tongue over the smooth surface. Releasing a moan of savoring pleasure, she lapped up his seepage then dipped down again with an even tighter clasp of her mouth.
Paige’s concentration scattered as her body heated from the inside out and her pussy swelled from Trevor’s constant licking, the deep probe of the finger he added into the mix and the brush strokes over her clit. Awash in lustful sensations and manipulation, she came close to whimpering for the first time in her life when Troy took charge again by clamping her jaw and holding her still as he pulled from her grasping mouth. She shivered from his withdrawal and Trevor’s continued assault on her sheath, her body and mind threatening to combust from the myriad of sensations.
“Now, bro,” Troy ordered, his guttural tone zeroing straight down between her legs where her pussy rested against his brother’s mouth.
In sync, and without warning, they removed the clamps and butt plug, sending Paige off like a firecracker. Rocking her pelvis against Trevor’s marauding mouth, she rode the undulating waves of pleasure until every ripple ceased, every muscle clamp around his tongue and finger eased. Before she could return to her senses, Trevor shifted out from under her, pulled her back to sit on his kneeling, denim-covered thighs and brought his arms around her waist. Blinking her eyes open, the first thing she saw was Troy’s fisted cock aimed at her heaving breasts, his grip moving up and down the hard flesh that had just filled and stretched her mouth. She grasped Trevor’s thick forearms, but that didn’t stop him from sinking two, then three, and then, God help her, four fingers into her pussy and setting up a pounding rhythm while Troy spewed his semen onto her reddened nipples with an echoing shout.