Page 16 of Seven
“You like this?” he asked, and I licked my lips before responding with a yes. He pumped faster now, but I was so wet his fingers flitted through me and against me with ease. The water began slapping over the edge of the hot tub with the jerk of his arm and the twist of my body to reach the pinnacle.
“Put your legs up on the rim.”
“Ohh.” The movement opened me wider, more vulnerable as he fucked me roughly with three of his fingers, the pressure building. My speech was non-existent except for the grunts coming from deep within my body. The splashes of water hitting the floor outside the tub made swooshes with our movements within.
“You like that, huh?” He kissed my ear before biting the lobe sharply.
I was so close my eyes squeezed shut, leaking tears. “Yes, please sir.”
“Well, you’re going to have to wait,” he said against my ear and pulled his fingers out before pushing me away. Water flipped out beyond the rim, and I grabbed the side hunched over breathing in shallow pants. My legs had fallen back in and were now shut tight, closed to the world. I was shaking and achy as Sloan jumped out of the tub to hand me a towel from a warming rack.
I was wobbly from the adrenaline rush and felt a little lost from not reaching my goal. It was as if I experienced free falling but nothing caught me to break my fall. I was simply waiting for his cruel mercy.
“I’ll see you inside for dinner. Don’t dress.” He left me in the shed contemplating how this lesson actually played out. I knew I lost this battle. Maybe this was my punishment for giving Blackjack an apple earlier? He forgot the ten spanks, and I wasn’t about to remind him either.
I turned down the air conditioning inside the house so Langley wouldn’t freeze during dinner. We would both be wet from the hot tub, and I had plans for this evening. Langley rounded the corner into the open kitchen and sat down at the table setting. Her pert breasts turned upward with her nipples hard while goose bumps freckled her flesh. It was more than I could handle to get through the first course.
“You look uncomfortable, Langley.” Sitting her next to me instead of across, I watched her squirm in her seat at the table. Her eyes lifted as if she was about to roll them, and I slapped her thigh with my hand.
“Well, I am naked,” she said, edging on sarcasm.
“Delightfully so.” I poured her a glass of red wine and cut the chicken to feed her from my plate. Her mouth opened over my fork and slid the chicken into her mouth. “Tell me about your family.”
Her words sounded more like, “Mah famwee?”
“Chew your food, then speak.”
Her throat bobbed, swallowing her food.
“My family. Well my parents are divorced. Dad married a younger woman and lives in Nevada. Mom is mom.” The way she said it told me a lot. Her mother had to step up and be both roles. Langley adjusted to that.
“I noticed she calls you often.”
“Yeah, she um, worries a lot and is pretty over-protective. It’s gotten better since I moved because I think the long distance phone charges are catching up with her.” I fed her another bite of chicken mixed with potatoes.
“She loves you,” I said.
Langley nodded, finishing her food.
“And you? What about your family? Stella mentioned you grew up here.”
“I did. This house is actually built over the old one I had rebuilt about five years ago. My mom had gotten sick, pancreatic cancer. It was unexpected and quick. My dad had a stroke right after and moved to Austin.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Her genuine concern was real and comforting. I typically didn’t share this kind of information with submissives but here was another way Langley made me surprise myself.
“Dad’s a trooper. He lives in a long-term care facility on the same campus as his sister. He’s not alone and I visit him once a month.”
“So you’ll see him again.”
“I saw him right before I met you so I’m due to see him.” We exchanged mutual information, and I learned her extended family is not close with each other like mine. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, and she calmed as we spoke. Her nakedness seemed less apparent which had been my goal. I wanted her to feel confident in her body. She was beautiful.
“Enough,” I tell her standing up from my seat.
“Oh, okay.” I watched her place her fork down on the table close to her plate, letting the metal clang.