Page 54 of Bound By Thorns

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Page 54 of Bound By Thorns

“Your aura isn’t filled with the evil of a demon like it should be. It’s not as black. It’s cloudy and hard to read but there’s this… I don’t know, like a shine to it. That’s how I know you’re different.”

“And what about Charles? Is that how you knew he was the human?”

“Pretty much. His aura is the kaleidoscope most humans have, but when you arrived, there was a thread.” He uses a finger to draw a line in the air. “There was a thread from his aura to yours that I’d not seen before.”

“Is that bad?”

It takes X so long to answer I inhale a huge breath when he finally does.

“I don’t think so. Auras connect you, not usually like that, but then again, most people can’t see them either.” He cocks his head as he watches me chew my last cookie. “Do you love him?”

If someone had asked me that question three days ago, it was an emphaticno. But so much has happened. So much has changed, not just between us, but with myself. Learning my mother was an angel, being sent here to be a better demon, meeting Charles in the most erotic way imaginable. Fuck, I’ve claimed him in front of others and I’ve threatened people who wanted to harm him.

I made him promise he’s only mine.

“I’ve never known the feeling of love. My family was cordial to each other. Protective, but only when it was for their best interests. But this with Charles is different, and it scares me.”

X’s eyebrows pop up.

“It scares you? How?”

“I’ve seen what humans do to each other without reason or cause. They’re a lot more mean than demons sometimes. Hurting another’s heart is commonplace. There’s often no real thought to the consequence of the other once one has got what they wanted. And it’s a lot to take in along with the stuff about me and my mother. What if it’s love, and he doesn’t feel the same? Where does that leave us? We were supposed to have seven days together, and then I was to go back to where I came from.”

“And now?”

Staring at the ceiling, I puff out a breath.

“Now eternity doesn’t feel like enough time with him.”

X leans back, soft smile in place.

“That, my new friend, is l-o-v-e. You should go tell him.” He rises and picks up his teacup. “I’ll put my headphones on. Knock yourself out with all the physical affection you need.”

X leaves me alone and I take my glass back to the kitchen, pausing to stare out the kitchen window. The moon is bright again tonight and I wonder if it’s romantic to tell your lover under the light of the moon you’re in love?



When I roll over expecting to find the overheated body of Dave and it’s only a cold spot on the bed, I blink open my eyes to look at the clock.

It’s 2 AM, and the bed has been empty for a while. Movement outside the patio doors catches my eye. Without thinking of clothes, I walk over to investigate. I must admit, this whole naked wherever and whenever business is fantastic. I’ll have to get back into being mindful once I leave here and find a place, but until then, I’m free to be… well,free. I can finally understand the hype over nudists.

Sliding the door open, my eyes widen to find Dave reclined on the lounger. His head turns at the sound of the door and he sends a sinful grin my way.

“I thought it was only me who liked to bathe naked in the moonlight.”

Dave laughs softly. “I guess I’m discovering a lot of new things about myself, just like you.” Patting the space between his legs in invitation, I crawl into the spot and lean back against his chest.

“Is that what kept you up?”

“Mostly. I couldn’t turn off the thoughts.”

His arms squeeze around me and even with the cool night air against our skin, I’m warm. “When I couldn’t sleep as a child, I often prayed. My foster parents were very catholic. Prayer was their answer to everything.”

“Did it help?”

My mind rolls back to the days I was a very confused teenager. I always focused on the prayers I liked best and not the ones I know they chose, hoping through prayer I’d discover I didn’t like men. It was difficult to find my way for a long time.

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