Page 7 of Glory Hole

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Page 7 of Glory Hole

“Yeah, Beck said they are in a band. He plays drums and Maddox plays guitar.” I’m not entirely certain what Evelyn finds so unbelievable.

“He said the name of the band is Beauty of Atrocity.”

At this news, Ti, Jen, and Ev all start yelling, jumping, and grabbing on to each other as they shout and turn in a circle.

“What the hell is wrong with you all?”

Ev stops bouncing, and, through a huge smile, says, “Your new neighbor is in one of the biggest rock bands on Earth! They are bad ass, hot, and right next door!” She then carries on with her group jump.

“He is?” I try to digest this new information. Beck just got hotter, if that’s even possible.

“I knew he looked familiar!” Ev shouts as she laughs. “Holy shit!”

“He totally has the hots for our Glory! Did you see him eye-fucking her?” Ti asks Jen, who nods in agreement.

“Oh, stop. He was not. He’s just polite.” That damn blush rises to my cheeks again.

“He was. He’s totally got the hots for you! From what I saw when we walked up, it's completely mutual.” Jen squeals and grins from ear to ear.

“I’d give up pop for him. Yeah, I said it.” We all laugh because Evelyn loves soda more than breathing.

“Okay, so let’s go next door!” Jen takes her wine glass and raises it up in the air as she grabs a bottle of wine from the counter in the other hand, and then dance-walks toward the door.

“Wait, what? No! What the hell are we going over there for?” I cry as Christina and Evelyn take their glasses and grab a couple of extra ones, following Jen’s lead.

“House warming party, of course. Grab a couple more bottles of wine, Glory. It’s going down. Then later, maybe you are.” Ti laughs and the others join in.

“Oh nice, Ti. Real nice.” Feeling a bit peer-pressured by their asses, I do as instructed and follow them out.

Jen knocks on the door to Beck’s apartment, and a few seconds later, Maddox opens it, and I’m pretty certain I hear a collective sigh out of my girls.

“Well, hello beautiful.” Maddox gives Jen a sly grin.

“What’s up, hot stuff? We are the Welcome Committee. Welcome.” She salutes him with her wine glass as she curtsies.

“Come on in.” He steps to the side and extends his arm, ushering her in. Jen looks him up and down, and he does the same to her. He pays special attention to her ass as she passes, with Jen adding a little exaggerated swing for his pleasure.

“You gonna eye-fuck me too, stud?” Evelyn asks as she passes. Maddox throws his head back and laughs. Ti and I follow behind, joining him in laughter.

“I have a feeling you ladies will be the death of me.”

“You have no idea,” Ti adds while we make our way to the kitchen with our party supplies.

We get to the kitchen and set the wine and glasses on the island. Beck saunters in, and instantly, I see him naked in my mind’s eye. Bad Glory. Bad.

“Glory, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?” He walks over to lean against the cabinets beside me.

“The girls thought you all might like some wine.” I turn toward him as I take a sip from my glass.

“That’s very thoughtful of the girls.” He smiles, and I become so giddy inside that I have to lean my hip into the cabinets for support.

“That’s them. Thoughtful lot.”

“Want some more wine, Glory?” Beckett leans over and takes a bottle and a glass. After he refills mine, he pours himself one.

Maddox and the girls are laughing on the other side of the island. Maddox is paying extra attention to Jen. Interesting.

“So Beckett, I hear your band is actually quite popular.”

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