Page 20 of Glory Hole
Rico gives a curt nod of his head. I raise a brow. “Do you have anything to say on the matter?”
“If I did, would you listen given the fact of who she is to you?” He asks dryly.
“Therefore I have no say upon the matter.”
“And if she wasn’t,” I argue for the sake of wanting to hear his opinion, “what would your opinion be?”
“Yes, hypothetically.”
“I would highly advise against it,” he tells me bluntly.
“Because I believe her father is going to use her as a Trojan Horse.”
And while yes, that ridiculous idea has crossed my mind because I put nothing past the cunning and ruthless Savio, I hardly believe she would be able to retrieve any information.
How can she be a Trojan Horse if my men and I are aware of her or her papa’s intentions?
The thought does bring a smile to my face. It humors me that Savio believes I could fall for that trap so easily. As if I’m a dense man.
A dense man does not sit upon the throne and rule the underworld. And he’s best to remember that.
And although I put nothing past Savio his dear daughter is an enigma. I may see the darkness in her eyes that she tries to deny but her mind is a mystery. I saw the loathing in her eyes when she first looked at me. There’s a hatred that burns in her veins, and I don’t know why she holds that towards me. But is it enough for her to betray me? Surely her hatred couldn’t make her that blind. “You think she would be brave enough to betray me in my own home?”
“I think a woman who has nothing to lose is as dangerous as they come.”
“That means she must not value her life.”
“I said she has nothing to lose, Constantine, not that she doesn’t value her own life.”
And this is why I must have her. To uncover all the layers of complexity that is the one and only Carina Fiore.
I take one last puff of the strong rich flavored cigar. “Rico?”
He inclines his head. “Si, Constantine?”
“Tell Pietro to pull the car around. I’m going to make a visit to Savio Fiore.”
He nods his head. “Si, Constantine.”
Savio Fiore’s luxurious home resides in the upper east side of Manhattan, New York. Close enough to keep his eyes on the city he believes that is his but far enough to not reek of his criminal nature.
You see, Savio is a man who is all smoke and mirrors. An illusion, if you will.
But you see, I’ve always had a problem with illusionists. The dramatic effect of smoke and mirrors is all for show. A poor mans act meant for entertainment.
And I am not a man who cares to deal with such entertainment nor do I care about entertaining.
The reason why I am so feared is because everyone knows what to expect. And what they expect is a bloodthirsty monster who is relentless in his efforts to get what is his for the taking. And who am I to give them anything different?