Page 45 of Swamp Kings 2
Rig? A deep revving hum filled the air behind her, growing louder. She turned to see the giant…something with huge tires and black armored body the size of a bus headed their way. “Holy moly,” she whispered, getting Bishop’s deep chuckle.
“You’ll be able to sleep soundly through the whole trip in that.”
She looked at him, smacking his chest. He gave his sexy grin then pressed his lips so very softly on hers, making her forget what she was fussing about. “Talk to me, angel,” he said, sliding the back of his fingers along her face. “I know something’s wrong and you’re not telling me because you’re trying to be strong and not worry me. But I swear to you, not knowing only makes me create the problems myself and...” He tilted his regretful look at her. “My creative powers are kind of a big deal, so I’ll make up a lot worse than any reality could.”
She wanted to laugh but the idea of telling him made her nauseated and regretting she had to even go on the stupid trip. The large truck-mobile pulled to a stop behind her, and she turned, staring inamazement as Maggie grinned with a wow expression.
The door opened and King Dalk sauntered over to the triplets and held the keys up.
Fetch plucked them from his fingers like delicate fruit, while the three of them gave a “thank you” in that neat trio way they sometimes did.
The King gave a single nod and turned to Bishop. “Safe travels, brothers. Keep communications open. We’ll have birds in the sky in five minutes should you need.”
“Merci Bou coup,” Bishop said as the triplets climbed into the front driving part of the machine while another Creole King stood at a middle side door.
“A quick tour before you leave,” he said as they made their way over with Seer and Zodak.
The Creole King took five minutes showing them the luxury on fourteen wheels but it was the door at the rear leading to a private master suite that brought a gush of tears to herstupid eyes.The world is ending and you’re crying over a bedroom! You’ve got to stop! Stop it now!
She discreetly wiped off the disgrace and jacked her big girl panties up real high. Not too soon, either. Bishop’s gaze found her, a probing hot dagger to her vagina. Jesus. She couldn’t. Too much.
She turned entirely away from him and inspected the rest of the space, then decided to move toward an amazed Maggie on the other side of the room before her muscles got froggy and jumped on him.Belle Eveque. Mature wife. Strong wife. A shield.
“Isn’t this amazing?” Beth whispered to her, feeling Bishop behind her as Maggie nodded in awe.
“Sit,” Bishop urged her when the vehicle slowly moved forward, his hands directing her into the seat next to Maggie. “I’ll be in the front,” he said, eyes hard pins on her. “Text me if you need anything. Don’t get up unless you absolutely have to, we’re not sure what we’ll be encountering. I’ll send Seer to keep you both company, oui?”
She nodded at him, forcing a normal smile as Maggie whispered, “Sure.” Bishop eyed the lie on Beth’s mouth, and she smiled bigger right as the baby punted her kidney, her gasp getting his frustrated muttered French then a quick kiss on the cheek before he headed to the front.
The second he was out of sight, she released a breath and closed her eyes.
“What is wrong?” Maggie demanded, pulling her phone out and looking at it, then quickly texting.
What wasn't wrong. “Is that Spook?”
“Yes,” she whispered. “He swore he’d keep in contact every five miles.”
Beth nodded, steadying her pulse and breaths as she leaned back to give the baby room to do the same.
“Are you hurting?”
Beth shook her head. “No, but… I worryhemight be for some reason. God, I wished he’d been able to do the ultrasound.”
“I’m sure they’ll have it fixed by the time we get back in two days.”
She did her slow breathing exercises, exhaling with a, “You’re right. I needto stop worrying, it’s not helping.”
“Are you hungry, maybe?”
Her mind suddenly lurched, like it had forgotten it was even a thing to be. “I…” She paused to consider, and her body erupted like a forgotten prisoner, starving to death. She looked around. “What do you think they have?”
Maggie shot off the couch and took the two steps to the little kitchen. “Let’s see,” she sang, trying to lighten the mood. “Oh!” She presented a can. “Fruit cocktail for the little momma?”
Her stomach churned as her hunger reared. “Yes, sounds amazing.”
“I’ll get a fork,” she hurried, finding one in the second drawer. “And a little bowl.”
After searching two cabinets, Beth said, “I can eat it from the can.”