Page 5 of A Beautiful Crime
And I stare and I stare until my eyes go dry. Until I feel hollow inside. Until I’m standing in the blood of my innocence.
I’m reborn.
Papa pries the gun from my fingers and places it in his waistband.
He then stands before me, tipping my chin up so my vacant eyes can meet his.
“I believe you are going to be very useful to me, mia cara, Carina.” He smiles down at me proudly. The only time my papa has ever shown such strong emotion towards me.
All because now I will finally be useful for him. I will become an important piece on his chess board, just like Luca.
Any other time in my life I would have done anything to see my papa smile proudly at me. To gain his attention.
But not like this.
Never like this.
But what is done is done.
I made my choice.
I’ve had my rebirth.
And my papa and Luca had successfully done what they had planned for tonight.
I’m no longer the girl I was before.
I’m something different now.
Something else.
A villain.
Iused to live my life in ignorant bliss, but after my rebirth everything has changed.
Before I saw the world through a scope. Only allowed to see through the widened lens that my papa controlled. He magnified all the beautiful things life had to offer. Kept my eyes focused on the matters that had no correlation to the life he led.
Although I was always aware of papa’s occupation, even feared him because papa was a man who was meant to be feared, I was never inducted in The Fiore Famiglia.
Their life was always just outside of the lens. Exactly how it was meant to be.
Then papa decided to widen the scope. Little by little as I grew I started to see things that no young woman nor young adult should see.
And then the night of my rebirth the scope he controlled he had snatched away without warning. I was thrust into a life, forced to see the harsh and bitter reality of the world and the darkness that came with it.