Page 104 of The Wildcard
Angel laughed beside her, “Fuck them indeed.”
Their chuckles sobered after a moment and Ray let out a tired breath, “Ah, I should really go.” She said, not moving from the bed.
Angel hummed beside her, his shoulder brushing hers tauntingly, “You really should.”
Ray groaned out loud, putting her face in her hands as she mumbled, “I’m too lazy to move.”
“Do you want me to–”
Thump. Thump.
Ray shot up beside him, her hand going to the waistband of her jeans as the bottle dropped to the ground. Angel flinched as well, getting up from his bed carefully with narrowed eyes as he stalked towards the door. Ray made a soft hissing sound, and he turned over his shoulder to look at her, his eyes going wide as he saw the panic in her stance.
“Angel!” a muffled voice from the other end called out, “I have the keys, I know you’re in there!”
Angel’s eyes widened as Ray cursed, stepping to go to the washroom when he grabbed her forearm and said as quietly as he could,
“You go in there, you won’t be out till morning.”
“What do you want me to fucking do?” Ray whispered back harshly and saw him wince. Her head whipped around as she tried to push him away and possiblyjump out the windowwhen he caught her arm again, seeing her intent with a deadpan look in his eyes. Ray growled deep.
Ifanyonesaw her in Angel’s room this late at night, shewas bound to get reported and all she’d managed to accomplish by now would be all fornothing.
The knob twisted and she heard a faint voice call out,
“I’m coming in!”
Angel swore before her. And maybe it was the drinks. Or the fucking situation. But for the first time in her life, Raylene Walker didn’t move. Angel moved fast enough for both of them. Ray didn’t have time tobreatheas his fingers pulled her cardigan to cover her shoulder and moved so he was covering her entire body. Raylene gasped and hesilencedit as the door flew open and he–
What. The. Fuck.
She froze. His fingers curled around her cheek and his lipshoveredover hers, his eyes narrow. His breath fell upon her, quiet and worried. Her mind shuttered. He wastoo close. And Oh God.It was only for a second, barely so, and herentire bodyached with the urge to haul him closer. Those soft lips brushed hers, and a soft moan almost,almostwretched from her throat. butterflieseverywhere. It lasted forever. And ended too quickly.
Ray didn’t hear the throat clearing behind her. Could barely formulate thoughts when Angel breathed out but didn’t look away from her when he said in a low, dangerous voice,
He didn’t move an inch. Covered her face with his hand and her body with his own. But didn’t look away. Her heart pounded in her chest, setting her body aflame when he hovered closer. When he breathed out unsteadily and–
The doors fell shut. And yet, with her fingers fisted in the hem of his t-shirt, and him but aninchfrom her, they didn’t move. Ray wasn’t sure she wanted to when the pad of Angel’s thumb caressed her cheek. His eyes had gone dark in a lethal,beautifulway and all she wanted to do was pull him closer and–
Angel let go of her abruptly, his throat bobbing up and down when she blinked and stepped back. Away.
Silence descended for a span of five seconds. Five seconds of the tingle against her lips and the dark look in his eyes. They darted to her lip and up again. And she was utterlygone.
“I’m sorry.” Angel breathed, his voice low, but it was nouse.He’d imprinted himself upon her. And she would never,everforget it.
It took incredible willpower for her to snap her fingers away from her lips and glare up at him instead.
“Really?That’swhat you came up with?” she snapped, and Angel’s expression softened. She willed that reluctance in his gaze to go away with a wave of her hand. His shoulder loosened in front of her, and she breathed out harshly. That wasn’t even akiss. Grow the fuck up.
His lips turned into that infuriating grin as if he could read her mind, “It just seemed like the right thing to.” His eyes crinkled,