Page 55 of Boss with Benefits

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Page 55 of Boss with Benefits

“How about you, Prez? You don’t see him as much, either. What do you think?”

“I agree with Cross. It’s seems like he’s improving a little more every week. Something is shifting for the better,” Jamison answered Crew.

“That’s a fucking relief,” the task force leader mumbled.

“Let’s hope it continues in the right direction,” the BAMC president continued. “We thought he was improving before and then finding Sadie derailed him again.”

“Well, we can’t keep him fucking bubble wrapped. He’s not only a cop, he’s a member of my task force team. He’s going to see shit. People are ugly to each other every goddamn day. If he can’t handle it, he needs to get a job at McDonald’s or something.”

Crew always had a way with words.

“He’s an excellent cop. He only needs to get over this hump.”

That was a relief to hear from Jamison, since he was Nox’s Shadow Valley PD supervisor. Nox liked his job and he wanted to keep it.

“Or he needs to find someone to hump. Getting some good pussy tends to help a man’s outlook on life. Right, Cross?” Crew chuckled.

For fuck’s sake.Nox had heard enough.

“I’d have to take your word for it, since?—”

Stepping out into the common area interrupted Cross mid-sentence and all eyes turned toward him. Jamison’s widened while Crew’s crinkled at the corners.

Nox pretended as if he hadn’t been eavesdropping. “What’s up?”

“Nothing. We’re just,” Jamison grimaced, “hanging out.”


“Where have you been?” Crew asked, drawing Nox’s attention. “Your bike was gone all weekend.”

Someone had been paying attention. Unfortunately. “Had some things to do,Dad.”

Crew, Jamison and Cross all exchanged glances.

“Should we bother to ask?” came from Cross.


They all shared glances again.

Crew frowned. “You’re not even going to give us a hint on where you were or what you were up to?”

“The hint was when I said nope.” He turned toward their president. “Did Finn get the run scheduled for next weekend?”

Jamison nodded. “He did. We should have enough members available so all the kids can go. Or at least the ones who want to go.”

He glanced at Cross. “Are your kids coming?”

Aiden Cross nodded. “They’ll be here, whether they want to be or not.”

His daughter Bri was more agreeable about doing family activities than his son, who was more like Cross’s husband. “What about Nash?”

His fellow BAMC brother stared at him. “When has he ever joined us on a run?”

The answer was never, but… “He could always have a change of heart.”

Cross snorted. “Yeah, just as soon as the DAMC does and lets me join in on theirs.”

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