Page 78 of Warrior's Cross

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Page 78 of Warrior's Cross

"Are you ready?" Jackson asked, studying my face. I put on a bright smile, determined to enjoy tonight.

"I'm ready."

Craig was waiting beside the car and he jumped to grab the door as Jackson opened it. Jackson stepped out first and turned around to offer his hand. I took it gratefully as cameras started going off like crazy and photographers started yelling out our names.

"Jackson! Emma! Over here!"

"Emma, give me a smile!"

"Jackson, does this mean you and Emma are back together?"

"Emma, what did Jackson do to win you back?"

Jackson guided me past the photographers with a relaxed smile but I could feel the tension radiating from his body. I couldn't imagine enduring these personal questions and rabid attention for years, and I understood why Jackson got sick and tired of it. But I knew he was making an effort to play along with the press because of our situation.

"Gentlemen," he said smoothly with a wide smile, "I'm happy to report that Emma is giving me another chance and we're back together."

"Emma!" A man with a protruding potbelly leaned close to me, a camera clutched in his hands. He was so close that I could smell the odor of garlic on his warm breath. "How does it feel to be with one of Hollywood's leading men? Is dating Jackson Reynard a dream come true? Are you intimidated by all the leading ladies he's been with?"

Jackson frowned and made a move towards the man, but I stopped Jackson with a hand on his arm. I turned back to the man, wanting to dismiss him but not able to ignore his questions. "Dating Jackson Reynard is a dream come true, but I believed that five years ago, when we first met and he was still making a name for himself. I'm dating the man, not the image, and Jackson has always been a man to be in awe of. As for other women he's dated, all I care about is today. And today Jackson is with me."

Jackson pulled me close, away from the questioning man, and tipped my chin up with his forefinger, planting a hard kiss on my lips. I was aware of dozens of flashes going off, the crowd in a frenzy over our open affection.

Jackson grinned at me when he pulled back and I rolled my eyes at his smug expression. "Was that necessary?"

"I've decided that I'm going to enjoy myself at the party. That means I'm going to kiss you whenever and wherever the mood strikes me. And the mood seems to strike me an awful lot. It's not my fault you're irresistible."

I was mollified by Jackson's answer and let him guide me past more shouted questions that I ignored. We had to stand in front of a backdrop that Jackson called a step and repeat, posing together for photographers that were yelling our names and asking us to look in their direction. I spotted quite a few celebrities making their way to the step and repeat, and even though I wasn't usually overly excited by fame, it was undeniably thrilling to see these people in real life.

It was a relief when we passed through security and entered the cavernous lounge. It was dimly light with house music pumping through the sound system, although it was subdued enough that you could have a conversation. Hydra was separated into two sections, the first section being much more sedate with sleek sofas and low tables where people were congregating. An impressive bar made out of glass and chrome snaked along the wall of the entire section, manned by several bartenders that were attending to the guests' needs. The second part was more like a club, with a dance floor flashing with strobe lights and a DJ on a platform. There were a few dancers already gyrating on the dance floor, although most of the guests had opted to mingle in the lounge.

"Jackson!" I heard someone call out. We both turned towards the voice and I saw Marc Bradley striding towards us. I couldn't help blinking when I saw him up close. Marc was devastatingly handsome with a shock of blond hair and startling blue eyes. I could imagine him playing the archangel Gabriel with his chiseled features and charming smile. Presently, he was slapping Jackson on the shoulder, looking more human than angelic. "Thanks for coming. I know you hate these types of things."

Jackson quirked his mouth, not denying it. "I owe you one for getting me out of that scrape in Burbank." He wrapped his arm around my waist and glanced down at me. "Emma, this is Marc."

Marc's eyes lit up as he turned to me. "Emma, nice to meet you." I was flummoxed when he gave me a sly wink. I couldn't believe Marc Bradley was winking at me. "I've been reading a lot about you these days. I never thought I'd see Jackson falling all over himself because of a woman."

I smiled and accepted Marc's greeting of a kiss on both cheeks. "I wouldn't go as far as that, but I appreciate the sentiment."

Marc raised an eyebrow. "Don't be so quick to dismiss it. There are a lot of women wondering what you have that they don't, since they weren't able to snare Jackson."

"Marc," Jackson warned, with a slight shake of his head. Marc looked chastened and covered it up with a broad smile.

"Never mind about that. We need to get you two drinks." Marc caught the attention of a waiter carrying a tray of drinks and handed one to each of us. I took a tentative sip as Marc explained it was a French 75, the house specialty cocktail, made from gin, sugar, lemon juice and champagne. It was a dangerous drink, so delicious that you forgot it contained alcohol.

"What made you decide to open up a lounge?" I asked for lack of a better question.

"I've always wanted a place where I could hang out with my friends. A buddy and I opened up a lounge a year ago in L.A. and it's doing really well, so we decided to branch out into New York." Marc smiled wryly. "I tried to get Jackson to invest in Hydra since he spends so much time in New York, but he said he didn't want to shell out money just to have a place to hang out. He thinks that actors opening up bars and restaurants are acts of frivolous indulgence. Even though I told him the returns would be through the roof."

Jackson smiled drily. "I don't remember giving that explanation. In fact, I don't remember giving an explanation at all. I believe my exact words were, 'Hell no.'"

"I'm an actor. I can glean a lot of meaning out of two words."

I watched the interplay between Jackson and Marc, fascinated by this glimpse into Jackson's world. Even though I had tried to steer clear of any news of Jackson throughout the years, it was difficult to block out everything. I had seen pictures of him with female celebrities draped on his arm, rumors about who he was dating and who he was sleeping with. I had tried to block these things from my mind since Jackson and I had rekindled our relationship, not wanting the past to affect our present. However, with Marc's mention of all the women jealous of my relationship with Jackson, questions came rushing to the forefront of my mind. I wondered how many women Jackson had dated during the years we had been apart, if he had been serious about anyone. Despite his insistence that he hadn't been able to forget me, I didn't really believe that meant he didn't routinely have a warm body next to him in bed.

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