Page 22 of Her Alien Guardian
I lifted my head, meeting Sala’s bright blue eyes. “How so?”
Sala’s lips curved into a small smile. “Well, for one, Prosperian women are never seen nude in public. They wear elaborate, modest clothing—long dresses with high collars and full skirts. But beneath those clothes…” She paused, a mischievous glint in her eye. “Beneath those clothes, they wear what their husbands specify. Often very little indeed.”
I felt my cheeks flush at the thought. Sala continued, her voice taking on a more serious tone. “But the most significant difference is the use of ‘governors.’ Every Prosperian woman, upon coming of age, has a small device implanted… intimately. It allows her husband to control her sexual arousal and pleasure.”
My eyes widened in shock. “Control it? How?”
“Through a handheld device,” Sala explained. “A husband can increase or decrease his wife’s arousal at will. It’s seen as a way to ensure obedience and reinforce the natural order of things.”
I shuddered, unsure whether from fear or a helpless spark of arousal. “That sounds… intense.”
Sala nodded. “It is. But many Prosperian women speak of it as liberating. They say it frees them from the burden of their own desires, allowing them to focus entirely on pleasing their husbands.”
I bit my lip, trying to process this information. The idea both terrified and intrigued me in equal measure. “And the refugee center? What will happen to me there?”
Sala’s expression softened. “It’s a safe place, Tessara. You’ll be cared for, given medical attention if needed, and counseled on your options moving forward. No one will force you to do anything you don’t want to do.”
As she spoke, I became increasingly aware of our intimate position. The warmth of Sala’s naked body against mine, the soft swell of her breasts, the tangle of our legs—it all suddenly felt overwhelmingly sensual. A familiar heat began to pool low in my belly, and I felt my cheeks flush with shame at my body’s response.
Sala must have noticed my discomfort, for she pulled back slightly, her eyes searching my face. “What’s wrong, sweet one?”
I averted my gaze, unable to meet her eyes. “I… I’m sorry. My body, it’s… reacting. I don’t mean to, I swear.”
To my surprise, Sala chuckled softly. Her hand came up to cup my cheek, gently turning my face back toward hers. “Oh, Tessara. There’s no shame in your body’s natural responses. You’ve been through so much trauma, it’s understandable that you might confuse comfort and safety with arousal.”
Her thumb stroked my cheekbone softly. “Besides,” she added, her voice dropping to a husky whisper, “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t affected as well.”
My eyes widened at her admission. Before I could respond, the door to the cabin slid open with a soft hiss. Captain Alpha’s massive blue form filled the doorway, his silver-violet eyes taking in the scene before him.
“Good morning, my dears,” he rumbled, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “I trust you slept well?”
I felt my body tense instinctively at Alpha’s sudden appearance. His imposing frame seemed to dominate the room, drawing my gaze like a magnet. The events of the previous night flashed through my mind—his powerful body claiming Sala so thoroughly, the sounds of their passion echoing through the bridge. I felt a fresh wave of heat course through me, a mixture of fear and unwelcome arousal.
Sala, sensing my discomfort, gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before addressing her husband. “We slept very well, my lord,” she said, her voice warm with affection. “Though Tessara had a bit of a fright upon waking. I’ve been comforting her.”
Alpha’s expression softened as he looked at me, concern evident in his silver-violet eyes. “I’m sorry to hear that, Tessara. Are you feeling better now?”
I nodded, not trusting my voice. Alpha’s overwhelming presence made it difficult to think clearly. I couldn’t help but remember the power and control he had displayed on the bridge, and my body’s traitorous response to it.
Sala sat up, the silken sheets pooling around her waist. I tried not to stare at her bare breasts, but found my eyes drawn to them nonetheless. She reached out, taking my hand in hers once more.
“Tessara, there’s something I wanted to discuss with you,” she began, her voice gentle. “I’m fairly certain you’ll qualify for asylum on Prosperia. Your experiences aboard theConqueror of Breslaand your status as a rescued concubine should make you eligible.”
I felt a surge of hope at her words, quickly followed by a wave of anxiety. “Really? But… what do I need to do?”
Sala smiled reassuringly. “There will be some bureaucracy to satisfy, of course. We’ll need to take you to the refugee center on the surface of Prosperia. They’ll process your application and help you adjust to your new life. The most important part will be that you’ll be asked to commit to accepting the Prosperian social order, and you’ll be checked to make sure your needs are compatible with that commitment.”
I nodded, trying to take in this information. The idea of a new life, free from the cruelty I had known, was both exhilarating and terrifying, but the mysterious question of myneedsbrought some unease to my mind.
“We’ll be taking a shuttle to an orbital station,” Sala continued, her thumb tracing soothing circles on the back of my hand. “From there, we’ll board a space elevator that will take us downto the surface. The refugee center is located in the heart of Prosperia City.”
I tried to picture it in my mind—a journey from the stars to the surface of an alien world. It seemed like something out of a dream I might have had during my endless confinement on theConqueror.
“Alpha will be accompanying us,” Sala added, glancing at her husband with a smile.
My eyes widened in surprise. “The captain is coming too?” I couldn’t keep the shock from my voice.
Alpha chuckled, the sound deep and resonant. “Indeed I am, little one. I have some business to attend to on the surface, and I want to ensure you’re safely settled.”