Page 80 of Ava Stargazer

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Page 80 of Ava Stargazer

Right now, though, the other Humans and political games were an abstract problem above him. Others, like the Spry and Iryl, would have more insight. Vox’s focus was smaller now that the facility was destroyed. All he really cared about was Ava. Andif coming here had really helped her, or if it had hurt her further. And if the data he’d found could lead to them finding more of the Humans for his people to mate with.

And yet, as he felt his limbs tremble, a part of Vox wondered how many times he could push himself this far and still expect recovery. These abilities they had learned to wield to defend themselves were new, and therefore the limits—and the effects—were unknown.

The room felt hot as he squirmed in his chair.“I need to let go of these minds.”Instead, he watched Ava.“Look at Ava, she’s so focused,”he said again to Rhutg, glancing at Ava, who looked at the data pad in earnest, finally looking at the logs from Ebel that she had avoided in the past, her face screwed up in concentration.

Rhutg turned toward her, and then back to him, frown on his face.“Vox . . .”

Vox lifted his wrist, displaying his com, which still held the memory files from Cipra.“And we have more information now as well.”He was worried about her after she had turned and wanted to leave right away once finding what she was looking for on Cipra. But he wasn’t sure he needed to worry.

Ava’s entire demeanor had changed the moment she got back on board, and her anxiety was replaced by an intense focus. It was like something was unlocked within her. She didn’t even look back at the little planet, the facility now ablaze, as they left. In her mind, she was already moving on.

Rhutg looked at him in concern.“There were other ways, instead of taking it all on yourself. You could have called to me for help. I want to help Ava as much as anyone else. But...”

“There was the potential they were going to alert others. I did not want to risk our safety. I will be fine with some rest.”

Rhutg huffed, exasperated.“You are no help to her if you break yourself.”

“It does not feel as severe as all of that.”

“You are not invincible, Vox. I feel fractures. And scars from before. Your mind is no longer as elastic. I have the same after Torga, but now you have done too much now without letting that heal.”

“Yes. Yes,”Vox agreed, shifting his body, dismissing his concerns. But he knew he would push again. If he had to.

“Rest now, you idiot.”Rhutg turned from Vox to speak to Ava.“I mean it.”

“Rhutg, don’t ... I am fine. Do not concern her.”

He ignored him. “Ava. Vox needs to rest and purge the minds now. He is stubborn and will not do so while you are awake.”

Ava looked over and saw his hands trembling. Concern coated her features as she dropped the data pad immediately. “Vox?”

“I am fine, Ava.” Her worrying over him was touching, but ultimately went against his biology. It bothered him to see her want to approach and hover over him. But he was too tired at the moment to resist.

Ava hastily scooted the chair back and moved to his side. “You’re trembling. This is like how it was after Torga. I remember. Why did you not say anything? Come, let’s go.”


Ava’s hands shook as much as Vox’s as they walked down to their room in the engine hall.This pushed him too far.She wrung her hands together, not knowing if she should help him walk, as he was starting to shake more the farther away they got from Cipra, despite him trying to hide it. “What can I do? How can I help?”

Vox brushed her hands aside when she reached out. “It is fine. I am fine. We’re just leaving the husks behind now, so that is why I shake. The connection to the body is gone.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”


“Are you lying to me?” Ava’s eyes narrowed as she watched him walk unsteadily down the hall.He’s not fine.

Vox sighed, turning his head. “I think I’m fine.”

“You’re hoping you’re fine.”

Vox looked away as a tremor went through him. He didn’t respond.

Anxiety bloomed in Ava’s gut as she gently touched his trembling arm. “Oh, Vox.”

Vox’s tone was gruff in return. “I’m fine. I need to rest, nothing more.”

Ava took in his tired eyes, the shaking now taking over his legs in addition to his hands. She didn’t push him any further. Now was not the time to talk. “Did you let the minds go?”

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