Page 66 of Holiday Surprise

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Page 66 of Holiday Surprise

“I hope so.” Cooper said.

“It will.” I murmured and reached for my coffee, sipping it slowly as I pushed down any doubt that I had. Don would be fine.

Cooper pulled out his phone and began tapping on the screen. When he bought his attention back to me, he seemed to have relaxed a little. He nodded his head at the door and walked out of the room, I took the hint and followed him.

He led the way down to the gym and shrugged off his jacket before unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his perfectly tanned, toned torso. He pulled off his shoes and gave me an expectant look.

“You’re going to fight me?” I asked and glanced at his trousers. “In those?”

“Yes.” he laughed. “My trousers aren't going to interfere with my natural skill. Come on sunshine, we don't have long.”

I quickly pulled off my heels and tossed them to one side. I glanced down at my outfit and wondered if coop would allow me to quickly change.

“I'm just gonna go and-.”

“No you're not. I've seen you fight in a skirt before. We only have until Don gets to his location, stop wasting time.” he said and made his way across the gym to the padded area at one side.

I smoothed down my skirt and planned my attack. When Coop turned around to face me I ran at him, keeping my body low and throwing my shoulder into his stomach. He grunted at the impact but managed to hold his ground. Coop was stronger than he looked and had the advantage of knowing all of my moves. Surprising him was always the biggest struggle when we fought. This also meant that I knewhisnext move. His arms banded around my waist but before he could lift me, I straightened up and threw my fist at his jaw. His head jolted to the side and I landed a second punch for good measure. He released me with a laugh.

“Playing dirty are we sunshine, Adonis has rubbed off on you.” Cooper said and raised his hand to wipe away this small trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth.

“I've never played clean Coop, don't act shocked.” I said with a grin.

“I won't hold back then.” he declared and knocked me to the floor with an unexpected swipe of his leg.

The air left my lungs as I hit the mat, but it didn't slow my reactions. When Coop dove on top of me I was ready. I pulled my knees up to my chest before he landed and managed to kick out and propel him away from me. I scrambled back to my feet just as he did the same. Neither of us hesitated as we collided with each other and began striking each other with brutal blows. I screamed as my fist slammed into his stomach and a tear rolled down my face. I didn't notice that Cooper had stopped fighting back until his hands cupped each side of my face and his words of concern hit me.

“Stop,” he said as his thumb stroked along my cheek. “What's going on?”

He released my face as I dropped to my knees and aggressively swiped away the tears that were running down my face.

“I don’t know.” I breathed. “It’s all a bit much.”

Cooper crouched before me and nodded.

“You’ve got this, but it’s a lot. You can let it out here though. I won’t tell anyone.” he said.

“No.” I said, forcing myself to stop crying. “I’m fine. I just, I just need the next week to run smoothly that’s all.”

“And you need your guy to not die tonight.” Coop said and gave me one of his knowing looks.

“Dammit Coop.” I exclaimed; all signs of the little emotional break I just took gone. “How do you always know?”

Cooper laughed and tapped his nose, then stood up and held his hand out to help me up.

“I need to go back to the office.” he said as he put his shirt back on, not bothering to button it, and picked up his shoes.

I grabbed my heels and led the way out of the gym and down the corridor. I hovered outside our office door and turned to face my best friend.

“Can I?” I gestured to the door.

“Aw, Are you worried about little Donny?” Coop teased.

I pursed my lips and scowled at him. Of course I was worried. He was the one who had planted the seed of worry in my head in the first place. If anything happened to Don because I had thrown him off, I'd never forgive myself. I just had to hope that nothing had changed and that he could stillperformwhile I was being a bitch.

Coop sat down at a computer, switched on the screen and loaded up the feed that he had already gained access too. I perched on the desk, but he dragged me down onto his lap.

“Is Lorenzo out all evening?” I asked as I wriggled to get comfortable.

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