Page 91 of His Team

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Page 91 of His Team


It took him a long time to look back at his screen, and even longer to write out his reply. All the while I stared at the carved muscles of his body, the way the thick strong length of his tail pressed into the ground. I’d watched him moving around outside and the lesser gravity on the moon hadn’t seemed to phase him in the slightest.

The thought is too enticing. You are asking me to feed my predatory side in a way that, if I’m not careful or observant of you enough, could cause you to hate me. Not only do I want your love, not your hate, but I’m not sure if it is good for my hearts to give into an even darker desire. Setting up to scare you is already far too fun.

A shiver of heat rushed through me and I bit my lip as I typed a response.

That is what a safe word or a red light green light system and established boundaries are good for. It gives you limits to roam within, and a way to know for certain that I love what you are doing.

He shifted to the side as he read that message, his tail moving sinuously along the ground before he settled.

I thought you said it would frighten you.

I smiled. He caught me.

I married an alien that snatched me up the moment I met him and trapped me in an embrace that is terrifying… and I got turned on. Yes, mating with you scares me a little bit. That fear excites me as well, and adrenaline can be released during the act as well. Knowing that you want me so bad that a darker side of you has the urge to just take me is intense. What turns that intensity into desire is the fact that I know that my pleasure and health is important to you.

His head tilted to the side as he read my message.

What is the red green color system?

I wrote quickly.

Saying red means stop, yellow means slow down, green means full speed ahead. You can check in and ask for my color anytime you’re uncertain, and we can keep the safe word for extreme emotional no reaction.

The end of his tail flicked and a small rock floated gently in an arc before landing on the ground.

We can’t use that for the treatment. You must not have any control so that fear can rule you. I will ignore all such words for the duration of the program.

I sighed. It was probably for the best anyway. I really should spend some real intimate time with him before I went straight into hardcore kink anyway. Especially since it was a kink I hadn’t actually done. There was always a chance I wouldn’t like it and would start throwing down the red hard, and that likely was a good idea for our first mating.

Before I had a chance to respond, another message came through.

I will not be able to control all the variables of the program. There are some elements that are outside my control.

I frowned. What was he saying? Instead of guessing, I just asked.

What are you saying with that? Could I get hurt?

His reply caused my frown to deepen.

I am saying that you should go into this expecting that your life could be in danger. It is important that you believe that.

All of my flirty energy that I had been feeling earlier when I was teasing us both with the idea of risky, aggressive sex dissipated as I read those words a second time, trying to dig out the meaning from them.

Was my life going to be in danger or not?

I understood from the doctor’s instructions that I needed to be genuinely scared, but was getting off the medication really worth risking my health? Then again, I married a giant snake monster alien and jumped into his spacecraft to hurtle into outer space without any knowledge about his culture, his background or desires, or how his spaceship even worked.

I’d been hanging out in a lunar dome specially built for me without any concern about where the air, water, or food were coming from or if there was even an escape pod or plan if something went wrong, so it wasn’t like I distrusted him.

Looking at all the facts, I’d already placed my health and wellbeing firmly in his hands.

I didn’t believe in the sunk cost fallacy. Just because I’d invested a certain amount of my safety in this alien didn’t mean I should do so for the future, but the fact that he had taken care of me fairly well so far was a good indicator. Not a perfect one, but in the grand scheme of things, his track record in the last few days was better than some of my past boyfriends throughout the duration of the relationship. He had taken me straight to the doctor when I had a psychiatric incident and had not argued or diminished my pain. He had refused to participate in hardcore consensual kink play without developing a more intuned physical relationship with me first. He put my medical needs in front of his own physical desires. He took me home when I asked, and then helped solve my problem of actually getting into my apartment.

All of his actions so far lined up with him being the type of guy that cared about me.

Still, could I really trust him?

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