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"I know, Hun. Believe me, I know." I thought I could hear her smiling. "Well, I better come over and check out my new place."

"I suppose you should."

"Talk to you later."

"Buy." I hung up and turned to face Jace. He had the same shit-grin on his face that he had every time he thought he was going to be in trouble for something.

"You bought her a condo?" I asked incredulously.

"No." He shook his head. "I already owned it."

"Pardon me?"

"I own this entire building." He stated factually and I swear my mouth dropped to the floor.

"You own every condo in this building?"

"No. I've sold a few, but I rent out a lot." His grin widened. "You didn't know Rush Industries built this condo complex?" he asked mischievously. I instantly narrowed my eyes. Where was he going with this? "I thought surely you would have read up on that on Google."

Ohhh! He caught me red handed. And red faced! "If you told me more about yourself, I wouldn't have to Google you."

"Touché." He laughed. "But you know you can just ask."

I cocked my head, "Can I?"

"You can." His tone was serious. "I want you to be able to ask me anything."

"I want you to be able to tell me anything. I don't want to have to ask."

"I'm getting there, Angel." He promised and I nodded. Because I knew he was.


I wiped a hand over my brow as I hung the last of my clothes in Jace's closet. He refused to allow me to put my clothing in the room he'd originally set aside for me, instead, he shifted his clothing around so I had half his closet. Even with all my clothing and the clothing he bought me, I still only used a small portion of the space he'd given me.

Jace walked into the closet with a grin on his face. "I love seeing your stuff with mine."

I chuckled. "I'm sure you'll love it when I start taking over your half of the closet too." I was joking. That would never happen. I would never have that much clothing.

"I would love that." Jace said. I thought he would scowl, but instead of finding the idea ridiculous like I'd hoped, he seemed to revel in it. I scoffed. "I want to have it all with you. I want the hair in the drain, the makeup powder in the sink, the shoes strewn haphazardly over the floor and the hairbands under every piece of furniture. I want it all."

I was breathless. I couldn't believe he said that. My voice croaked when I spoke and I coughed. "You're insane."

He caught me up in his arms, nuzzling my neck. "I'm insane over you."

"You're cheesy." I accused.

"I thought you liked cheesy." He murmured, pulling back to look offensive.

I laughed, claiming his lips in a hot kiss. "I do." I admitted.

He moaned, his hand moving quickly over my backside. "You're tempting me when we have limited time."

"You don't have time to love me?" I asked breathily.

"I always have time for that." He assured and I wrapped my legs tighter around his hips, grinding into his now hard cock. "Angel,"

"Take me, Jace." I moaned into his mouth. "It's been too long."

"It has." He agreed. Even though I'd had him this morning, it really had been too long.

With those words, he carried me from the closet into the bedroom. Our bedroom. In our home. At the thought, I smiled against his lips and kissed him deeper, making love to him with my mouth. He didn't separate our bodies as he laid me down on the bed. His tongue continued to swirl with mind as he plucked each button on my blouse open, slipping his hand around my back to unclasp my bra. I lifted my shoulders from the bed as he shoved my shirt from my shoulders before pulling on the bar. My breasts fell free from the lacy material and he moaned at the sight before taking one into his mouth.

It was utter ecstasy to have his tongue swirl around my nipple, tasting me. "You're beautiful. Everything about you calls to me."

His words made me feel hot and I dove my fingers into his hair, pulling his face back up to mine. My tongue darted between his lips and he moaned. For once, I swallowed his sound and reveled in the sweet taste of it. It was euphoric.

"Let me love you." It wasn't a question. It was a statement and I nodded excitedly. I needed him as badly as he needed me. He was the one who quelled my fear, spoke to my dreams and touched my soul. He was perfect.

"Make love to me, Jace." I whispered my command as I pulled at his shirt, exposing a hard chest. My hands immediately went to his pants. I unzipped the zipper and pushed my hands into his boxers, instantly finding his swollen cock. I wrapped my hand around the base, holding him tightly as I stroked him. His eyes heated, filling with molten desire and he watched me pull my lip into my mouth, scraping my teeth over it as I released it. Instantly, my lip was in his mouth. He sucked it before scraping his teeth over it's now swollen redness.
