Page 89 of Retribution
"Will you now?" Kingston looks her over and I start to feel annoyed. Is he flirting with her? Is he trying to make a move on my assistant?
"That's enough, Kingston," I say.
He looks up at me and smirks. "Yes, boss," he chuckles as he leaves the office and I can see that Lila is staring after him. "Anything else you want to discuss, Remington?" I ask.
"No, but I thought you would introduce me to your new assistant."
"Oh, yeah. I forgot you haven't met. Remington, this is Lila Haversham. Lila, this is my other partner, Remington."
"Nice to meet you," he says, shaking her hand.
"Nice to meet you as well," she says, smiling, and I can see her fluttering her eyelashes. "Are you looking for an assistant as well?" she asks, and I wonder if that's hope in her voice. Is she really trying to get a job with my partner right in front of me? For some reason, I feel infuriated.
"Oh, no. I have an assistant," he grins. "Juniper and I have a great working relationship."
"Oh." Lila presses her lips together. "Well, I guess that's good." She looks like she doesn't know what to say and he just chuckles.
"I am rather happy that I don't have the distraction of having a hot assistant in my office day in, day out." He looks at me and chuckles. "I know it's going to be pretty hard for you, Max."
"Very funny," I say. "Is there anything else Remy?"
"No, but HR did tell me to let you know that the meeting for the new hires is going to be this afternoon."
"Okay, I will make sure that Lila is there."
"Awesome," he says. Nice to meet you Miss Haversham."
"Nice to meet you too."
We stand there in silence as Remington leaves the office before she hands me my coffee and bagel. "Here you go. And don't blame me if the coffee is cold. I had to walk like, five blocks and my feet are absolutely killing me."
"Excuse me," I stare at her.
"Excuse you for what?"
"You're really complaining to me about walking five blocks?"
"I'm just saying these shoes are not the most comfortable. Have you seen how high these heels are?"
"Then maybe you don't wear high heels if you can't walk in them for very long."
"I didn't expect to be walking in them for very long. I ended up getting off the train earlier than I should have this morning because there was this creepy guy that was staring at me and I didn't want to be a statistic." And then she pauses. "Well, I'm guessing you don't really want to know."
"No, please do tell me. I'm so interested in hearing the story as to why you got off the train early and had to walk many blocks in uncomfortable shoes. It's not like I have anything else going on today. I'm not a named partner at a top law firm. I don't have millions of dollars worth of lawsuits to figure out. And?—"
"There's no need to be sarcastic," she says. "What do you want me to do?"
"What do you mean, what do I want you to?—"
"Work-wise, what do you want me to do? I mean, you're paying me for a job and I assume it's not just to get you coffee and bagels."
"You know what, Lila?"
"Yes, Max."
"You can call me Mr. Spector by the way."
"I'm not calling you Mr. Spector. You're not my dad’s friend."