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“Mom. I’m not doing them anymore.”

“But you’re beautiful.” Her nose scrunches. “Well, when you wear makeup and take those ridiculous glasses off your face you are. What’s the point of contacts if you don’t wear them?”

“I think she’s always beautiful,” Josh drawls. He gives me a smile that makes my insides flutter, but I can see the anger behind his eyes at what my mom said. I’m used to her saying these things to me, so I don’t even waste my time getting upset about them anymore. I’ll never change her. I stopped trying a long time ago.

“Josh, what are you doing here?” My mom puts on a fake smile. Everything is always a show.

“Helping the girls move. Eric is loading Daisy’s stuff, so I thought I’d head over here and get a start on Noelle’s.

“We have more stuff to pack still.”

“Mom. I’m not moving that far away. I can come back if I need something.” So not coming back for any of this crap.

“Fine,” she snips at me before leaving my bedroom in a huff.

“Don’t.” I point my finger at Josh. His easy smile drops away as he kicks the door closed. I have no idea where this side of Josh has been hiding. I’ve known him since I was little, and all I’ve ever seen was the polite all-American cowboy. This Josh is something way different than that.

My body betrays me as I feel myself grow wet between my thighs. Ever since that day in his bedroom it’s like my body has a mind of its own, wanting me to crawl back into bed with Josh so he could do all those dirty things to me again. So he could unleash the wicked part of him that he hides so well.

“I’ve been giving you your space, but time’s about up, princess.” He leans up against the door. His eyes roam over me. I swear it feels as though he’s touching every inch of me when he looks at me this way.

“Your sister would lose her mind if she knew what you were doing.”

“Are you sure about that?” He pushes off the door. I take a step back.

“I don’t know but it’s a terrible idea! Your family is like family to me.”

“Yeah, I get that. Your parents are shit.” I bite my lip to try and keep from laughing. He’s right, but it’s nice to hear someone else say it.

“Let's just do this and get out of here. I’m hungry.”

“You’re always hungry.”

“Good thing I’m going to culinary school then,” I tease, grabbing a box. Josh doesn’t move from blocking the door.

“I want a kiss.”

“No.” I glare at him but lick my lips. His eyes drop to my mouth.

“You know if I put my hands on you, we’ll end up in your bed this time. You’ll have those pretty legs spread and I’ll have my cock deep inside you again.” He’s right. When he touches me I forget about anything else. “So, you choose. You can either give me a kiss or I can make you come on my cock while your mom is only steps away in the other room.”

“Fine.” That’s the only word I can manage to muster up. My clit throbs from his dirty words. I want nothing more than for him to do as he said, but I know I can’t do that with my mom in the other room. I step closer to give him a kiss. He grabs me, pulling me into him, his mouth taking mine in a deep kiss. I drop the box I’m holding in my hand as he tangles his hands into my hair. A deep groan comes from him, making my nipples go hard. I give his chest a small push, stepping back.

“You got your kiss.” I am breathless. My body is lit up with desire, but I know we need to stop.

“I want to kiss your other lips.” I scrunch my nose, not understanding. Then it hits me.

“You’re a perv.” I smack his arm.

He grabs my hand. “Only for you.” His thumb drifts back and forth over my wrist, feeling my pulse before he lets me go. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

For once Josh and I actually agree on something.2Josh“Thanks for helping.”

“Did you really think I wasn't going to?” I look over at Noelle. She pushes her glasses up her nose. Her delicate shoulder gives a small shrug. I’m starting to understand that Noelle thinks I’m going to get bored and move on to something or someone else.

She keeps throwing up roadblocks trying to protect herself. She doesn't seem to want to listen when I tell her I’m in this for the long haul. I’ve been in this for fucking years. But if she wants me to prove it to her, then that’s what I’ll do. No matter how long it takes.
