Page 29 of Make Her Stay

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Mick says something in response, but Griff has his mouth on mine again, which somehow makes it impossible to hear anything beyond the roar of my own desire. He carries me across the entire loft space until he reaches a door. He kicks it open andthen shut. I barely have time to breathe before he throws me on the mattress.

“Are we in a hurry?” I tease, but I’m pulling my shirt over my head as I say it.

“Yes. Always. Sadly.” He tosses his shirt to the side. “After the first hundred times, I’ll stop attacking you the moment I see you.”

“Actually that’s one thing I like about you. That you can’t keep your hands off me.” I slide my hands over his eight-pack, enjoying each bumpy ridge as he pushes me back against the mattress.

“And you are always in control?”

“I am right now.” He tugs on my hair until my neck is arched and then presses kisses along the exposed column. I find an unknown connection between a spot at the base of my neck and my pussy. As he tongues me there, my inner walls clench in response. Or maybe it’s just that I’m super sensitive to his touch because as he moves lower, I get wetter and needier. His sucks on my nipples about send me over the edge. I catch his hair and tug.

“Are you punishing me?” I look down, which is a mistake because the way his massive paws engulf my breasts make me gasp. I’m in a real state right now because everything is turning me on from the smell of his sweat to the coarse hair of his legs rubbing against my smooth ones, and now just looking at the difference in our sizes is making me dizzy.

“No,” he huffs out a chuckle. “I’m kissing you.”

“Enough with the kissing. I need more.”

His eyebrows rise.

“I know. I’m surprising myself at my demands.” I wriggle down so that the center of my notch can rub against his hard cock. “But if I don’t get your monster inside of me, I think I’m going to explode.”

“We can’t have that.” He lifts me with one smooth motion and sets me in the middle of the mattress. His strength takes my breath away. “Give me another kiss while I enter you. You’re tight again, and you need the distraction.”

“I don’t,” I claim, but since I like kissing, I open my mouth. He kisses me deep, but even that doesn’t distract from the slight discomfort when he pushes the broad tip of his cock into my sex. I can’t stop the groan from escaping.

He pauses, his big body hovering over mine. I look down and see part of his large shaft waiting to thrust inside of me. I gulp. “You’re huge.”

He chokes back his laughter. “Can’t help what God gave me.” He kisses me again. “It’ll be okay. I fit in you before.”

“I don’t know how.”

“It’s magic. Close your eyes and let it happen.”

I shut them and then open them a second later. “Your eyes are open.”

“Because watching my dick go inside of you is one of the top two sexiest things in the world, and it ain’t number two.”

Both our gazes fall to where we’re connected. He pushes into me, spreading me wide, filling me all the way up. We lock eyes as he starts to move, thrusting in and out in a slow, maddening way.

“You’re so fucking sexy.”

His deep, raspy voice makes me shiver. That and his massive cock working me over until I’m nothing but a boneless mass of want and desire. I give in to him, letting him take charge. I don’t know how to think here. I don’t have to worry about if I’m saying the right thing or doing the right thing. With Griff, everything I do is right. I lie in his arms, holding on to him while he creates an earthquake of sensations with his furious strokes. The orgasm swirls inside of me, growing large until it overtakes me. A cry erupts as he leads me to heaven.

Sometime, I don’t know how long later, I come to my senses. His heavy body rests beside mine. There’s a light sheen of sweat covering him, highlighting his beautiful frame. I press my lips against his hard pec.

“Have I told you I love you?”

“Not in the last ten minutes.” He draws a blanket over our legs. “Think Mick can feed himself?”

“Yes, and if he can’t, he can suffer.” I snuggle close and inhale the warm scent of Griff’s body. He’s so big and strong and safe. His hand strokes my back in long, even motions. “You’re putting me to sleep.”

“Good. You need a rest. You’ve been carrying a burden for a long time. Let me carry some of it for you.”

“Is that what love is?”

“That and good sex.”

“It’s kind of great sex.”

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