Page 17 of Make Her Stay

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“We can go to my place, but I figured you were anxious about your brother and would want to stick close to him.”

“No. I meant we aren’t going anywhere together. I’m going home, and you’re going to your home with your girlfriend.” She says the last bit with a sneer. I hide a smile because people aren’t jealous unless they care.

“I don’t have a girlfriend unless we count you. That woman was someone I made the mistake of taking out for a couple of dates to get my mom off my back. I’ve never slept with her, never even kissed her, for God’s sake. All that shit about my shirt at her place was to get you to back off. I know you’re too smart to let a few lies dictate what you’re going to do.”

“I’m also too smart to let you manipulate me like this.”

I grin ruefully. “Worth a try, but seriously, let’s get moving. I’m hungry, and you must be too since you didn’t take a lunch break.”

Her eyes narrow. “How do you know I didn’t take a lunch break? Are you spying on me?”

“Yup.” I set the helmet over her head and buckle the strap. “The whole day. It was boring as hell, and now I’m hungry and a mite irritable.”

“And if I don’t get on, you’ll follow and harass me anyway?”

“You got it.”

“I thought we were just going to a parking garage,” she comments as I hook her ugly-ass helmet on the side of the seat.

“It was just as close, and you’ll need one in the future.”

“For all the times I’ll be riding on the back of your bike?” She says it with sarcasm, but since I’m serious, it doesn’t bother me.


She tends to wear only black, but instead of picking one that matched her clothes, she pointed to a fluorescent one that was easily the ugliest one in the shop. The color is a mix between green and yellow and has some lame lightning bolts in blue. I told her it was a good choice because I’d be able to find her in a crowd.

“Your bike’s gonna get lifted.” She sounds hopeful.

“I got a system.”

She eyes the cash I leave on the seat and shakes her head. If it gets lifted, I’ll be pissed, but I’m not going to stop that from showing up at her place.

“Why’d you bail my brother out? No, wait. Let’s start with how did you even know what precinct he was at?”

“I’m a security expert, honey. I did some research and called around. I bailed him out because I don’t need you to be running around on behalf of Roberta Ware. What’d you tell her anyway?”

“Are you spying on me? How do you know about that?”

“No one has to spy on you to know that she’d want to know the results of her blackmail.” I grab the groceries we picked up from the market and nod for her to lead the way.

She presses her lips together. “Right.”

“So what did you tell her?”

“That I failed. What else was I going to tell her?”

“You could have made up fake test questions.”

She pauses on the stairs. “I didn’t think of that.”

“How much time did she give you?”

“Are you sure you weren’t there?”

“Blackmailers aren’t very inventive.” If I leaned forward about a foot, I could kiss her ass. It’s round and bouncy and making my dick hard.

“She wants the tests. I guess I’ll make one up like you said. What’s it like? An SAT test?” She taps a finger against her bottom lip. “Multiple choice? God, this sounds like a lot of work. I’ll look something up online and copy it. Thanks for the advice.” Done with our conversation, she starts climbing again.

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