Page 45 of Soul

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“Tell me,” he lays his head against my forehead. The connection is all I need. His warmth, holding me close, his hands soothing me in long unhurried caresses.

“I missed my period,” I say so softly I’m not sure he heard it. His body tenses, and then mine does in response.

He pulls back and looks into my eyes. “What? When?”

“Um, I should have gotten it the week after our wedding.” His eyes go wide but not in the scary way Justin’s did. More like a surprised, holy shit way.

Chase licks his lips and cups my face. “I’m no expert, but doesn’t that mean you should have had it again, meaning you missed it twice?”

I nod. “Okay,” he says softly. “Have you been taking your pills?”

This time my eyes get big. Huge. Probably the size of half dollars if I had to guess. “I-I uh…no,” I finally admit.

Chase smiles softly, his blue gaze turning an honest-to-God aquamarine so blue it steals my breath with its beauty. “When was the last time you remember taking them?” There is not even a hint of anger in his tone, just the simple question.

I think back, the reel of memories of the past few weeks sweeps through my mind in a giant rush.

Getting the tattoo, the incredible feeling when Chase went down to his knees to inspect it.

Making love for the first time as a married couple in the tent with our ocean view.

Saying our vows in a tiny church in Ireland.

Finding the wedding gown and the tapestry.

Our emotional visit with Dr. Madison.

The hospital stay.

Being locked away in that disgusting storm shelter.

The look of hatred in Danny’s eyes as he tore the front of my wedding dress and fondled me.

Chase’s mother’s throat being cut, the blood pouring out over her chest.

I close my eyes tight, the memories flooding by so fast my temperature rises but Chase is there. Laying a calm hand to my cheek.

The yacht where he gave me the infinity necklace.

The yacht. “It was on the yacht. My pills. That’s the last time I remember taking them. Then there was the wedding, your Mom, being taken, the hospital stay…” He presses his lips to mine cutting off my excuses. His mouth is soft over mine, his kiss worshipping in its sweetness. He pulls away and cups both my cheeks.

“It’s okay. We’ll get through this together. It might be nothing, it could be the strain of everything that’s happened right?”

I nod and wait for him to finish his thoughts. “So we’re not going to worry. We’ll handle this together. Husband and wife. Right?” I nod again tears pricking at my eyes. “No crying. Me and you.”


Holy shit. Holy. Fucking. Shit. This is not at all something I planned for. Not somethingweplanned for. I’m holding her hand and leading her out of Maria’s room. We’re on a mission. Well, I am. Get as many fucking pregnancy tests as possible, and confirm the results. Fuck!

“Where are we going?” she says, her voice so small it stops me in my tracks. I turn in the hall, the bright lights of the hospital bearing down on my wife’s tortured face. The pit in my stomach that formed when she said the words, “Missed my period” deepens further.

I cup her cheek. “Hey, none of that. We’re just going to get the tests, and confirm what we suspect one way or another. Okay?”

“You’re not mad?” Her voice trembles and that sound sends knives into my chest. I want to kill, torture and maim every man who ever made her afraid to be honest with me.

I pull her close into my arms. “God no. Gillian, we have been through so much over the past few months. If anything, this could be one of the good things.”

She backs away from my hold. “Really?” Her breath catches, and her eyes search mine. I smile even though my insides are screaming to run to the nearest pharmacy and find out if my wife is carrying my child. Our baby. I need to stay strong. Not show how much this news is affecting me. I’m not sure how to feel. All I know is that the desire to find out for sure is leading all actions from here on out.

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