Page 43 of Soul

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“Can we see her?” Gillian looks at Carson and waves him over. She clasps his hand. “This is her boyfriend and we’re her best friends,” she loops her arm around Bree’s waist. “We have to see her with our own eyes. Make sure she’s okay.”

Dr. Dutera lets out a pained noise and a loud breath. “We’ll take each of you one at a time.” As much as I can tell Gillian wants to go first, she allows Carson the honor.

I pull her into my side. “That took a lot for you to let Carson go first, baby. I’m sure he appreciates it.” She nods into my side and holds on. The tears are over, but they are close enough to the surface that anything, even the wind blowing the wrong way could bring them on again.


Not dead. Of course those stupid little bitches would survive. Luck is a cold-hearted bitch and I’ve fucked her too many times to catch a break. Doesn’t matter though. The dancer and the hippie being unconscious up in the hospital brings the one thing I need back into my sights.


I watch with extreme pleasure as she enters the hospital. Felt like for-fucking-ever. She must have been really far away to take most of a full day to arrive. I wonder where the bastard took her. As far as I could tell from the security logs, they were only gone three days.

Using the same path I took the last time I was here, I weave through the hospital staff, my scrubs in place, a cap, a pair of fake glasses, and a stethoscope I got at a pawn shop around my neck. This getup works so well I could just as easily be invisible.

Making my way to the Intensive Care Unit, I take precautions to move at a smooth interval until I can see the group. One bright star of shiny, red hair is present amongst them. Fuck she’s beautiful. My body gravitates toward her. I need to be closer.

I’ve investigated every inch of this floor, and I know that near where they are is a supply closet. I head straight there, open the door and enter without anyone really noticing. Keeping the room dark, I prop open the door just a half-inch so that I can hear what they’re saying, but mostly so I can see her. If I could only take hold of her arm, feel her smooth skin along the palm of my hand, the rage within would simmer to a more bearable level. Right now, I can hardly control the intensity, the need to get to her, take her, claim her for my own.

As I watch, I bite down on my lip disgusted by how he’s holding my girl close, rubbing her shoulder. It should be me comforting her. Only me. Forever me.

That pregnant cunt sits near my girl and Gillian lays a hand on her belly. Her engagement ring to the fucker is still there, sparkling so bright I swear the thing is burning a fucking hole into my retina. Piece of shit. Had to buy her a showy ass, diamond ring, one that when she swelled up from the heat, I couldn’t rip it off her finger. I got his necklace though. I took that symbol, ran a chain around it and put it around my own neck. His failure, my gain. With my thumb and forefinger, I bring it out and rub it between the pads of my fingertips. It was onher,so I feel close to her when wearing it, but I know he gave it to her. Just the look in her eyes was enough when I touched it that first day she woke up in the storm cellar.

Gillian makes a surprised face and squeals in delight. “Baby, feel this,” she grabs Chase’s left hand and places it on the fat cunt’s stomach. He moves his hand into the right spot, and that’s when I notice it.

The room I’m in seems to get darker, my vision zeroing in on a small point on Chase’s hand. Sweat trickles around the hair at my nape and slides down the center of my back. As I look, it becomes clearer.

No! Fucking no! I want to scream. I want to take out a gun and shoot every last one of them. I grit my teeth together and pull my fists into my sides.

Feel it, Daniel. Let this feeling consume you, because when you have her back, she is going to pay dearly.She made the ultimate betrayal.

I can’t stop staring. As Chase moves his hand, the tiny diamonds sparkle against the light like little icepicks being driven into my eyes.

Gillian’s hand comes up to Chase’s face and she leans in, pressing her nose against his and kisses him. Holds her mouth to his, her hand splayed along his cheek proving my worst nightmare in living color. A wedding band has been added to her engagement ring. Sitting on Chase’s finger is his own wedding band. The need to vomit is extreme but I push it down, way down to where that rage is being contained…barely.

She married him.

Left me here in San Francisco to rot, went away and married that rich fucker. How could she do that? I wanted to give her everything. Every. Fucking. Thing.

He had to have made her do it. Had to. Drugged her, used her, promised her money and fame. With every ounce of control, I stand and watch them. Even during this horrible time, they still find ways to touch one another, smile, kiss. Disgusting pig.

It’s not possible that she’s happy with him. He’s got her brainwashed. Made her believe that he was the one she was supposed to be with when all along it was me. Me, that perfect girl was supposed to marry. Me, that she was supposed to be with until the end of time, not some Matt Bomer look alike, suit-wearing, snob, who uses money and power to emasculate people, and manipulate them into believing they are important. That’s what he’s doing to my princess. He’s manipulated her into believing he’s the one.

Fuck! She’s so far gone she’s now willingly drinking the Kool-Aid. It’s going to take years to get her through this bastard’s twisted influence. But I’ll do it. No matter how long it takes to bring her mind back to who she truly loves. The one who will always be there for her.

I love her. She loves me. End of story.

Now I just have to find a way to make her mine.

Chapter Fifteen


Something rufflesthe hair alongside my temple. A scratchy material presses into the sensitive skin of my cheek as I blink open my eyes, staring into the sky, a clouded, grey blue expanse that I know well.

“Cara Bonita, what will Chase think when he finds out we’ve slept together?” she asks, her voice a hoarse, gravelly sound, one that reminds me of the times we’ve woken after a night screaming and cheering for a band we saw the night before.

I blink carefully and look at her. Justlookat her. Even having undergone a traumatic experience, two full nights in a hospital, and carbon monoxide poisoning, she’s still incredibly beautiful; her face the picture of serenity.

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