Page 28 of Soul

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“You mean after you make me scream your name over and over again?” I grin, turn in his arms and plant my lips on his. He slides his hands under my shirt, planting them firmly on my ass, and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he takes me back to our bed, in our new countryside home in Ireland.

Hand in handwe walk along the sidewalk up to a sign that says Welcome to Bantry Beanntrai, National Tidy Towns Gold Medal Winners and stop. There are boats dotting the surface of the water giving the small town a coastal feel that reminds me of home. On the right side of the street are lines of multicolored buildings only three to four stories high. Each building is attached to the next but painted a different bright color. Chase and I both silently take in the beauty of the small town we are now a part of. It feels like our first real connection to our new life together.

“I love this place,” I say into the open crisp air swinging Chase’s arm.

He pulls me close, and lays a kiss on my temple but doesn’t stop walking. We come up to a square of sorts where a giant anchor sits on the concrete. It looks like it came from a huge ship. I pull out my phone and push Chase in front of it. “Baby, I want to take your picture.”

He chuckles, then stands in front of it posing like Superman. He is my Superman, and seeing him being silly lifts a huge weight of my chest. I snap a couple photos of him and then go over to the sign. “Says it’s an anchor from the French Armada force in 1796. It was discovered off the northeast point ofWhiddy Island in Bantry Bay back in 1980 by a Dutch salvage company. Trippy.”

Chase looks up at the huge anchor, in the middle of the town, then slowly brings his stunning gaze to me. “I like the symbolism. An anchor. We should get one for our home here.”

I smile wide, run over, and jump up into his arms, legs back around his waist and kiss him. He swings me around, and I tip my head back allowing my hair to flow in the breeze. He lifts me up, kisses me, and sets me on my feet. “What was that for?”

Shrugging I take in a breath. “I’m just so happy.”

“I’m glad baby, because from here on out, it’s me and you kid.” He holds my hand, and we start walking once more. One guard is walking behind us, but I haven’t really seen him, just catch glimpses of him, now and again. Jack is across the street. He’s much easier to spot because I know him better, can anticipate his bulk. The other guys, I have no idea. Chase said he’s somewhere in front of us, making sure to keep an appropriate distance so we don’t feel they are invading, but he knows we’re safe. For me, I feel completely free of the burden we had back home.

“Coming here, leaving San Francisco was the best decision we’ve made. I feel free here, Chase.”

He nods. “Me too. The moment we got off the plane and then made it to the new house, there was something different in the air. It just felt, right.” I smile and sidle into his side looping my thumb into one of his belt loops. “You hungry?” After we woke, we made love, showered and then hopped into the little sports car Chase had in the garage. How it got there will always be a mystery, but I’ve come to understand that Chase just has things. He doesn’t worry about getting rentals, or planning travel. It just comes easy for him. Then again, when you have that kind of money at your disposal, I’d imagine getting a car parked in the garage of your new home wouldn’t be that hard.

“Famished,” I say while people watching.

Chase leads me to a place uniquely named Box of Frogs. It is a coffee house and bakery right under a bright sunflower orange building. The rich smells of cinnamon, sugar, and coffee make me salivate. We enter the warm space and I instantly brighten at the wide variety of perfectly dressed cupcakes. “Chase, we have to get some of these for the house!” I waggle my eyebrows. “You know, dessert for later.”

He grins one of those panty-melting grins. “Absolutely, my sweet.” I roll my eyes. My sweet is the newest endearment he’s been trying on for size. I don’t mind. When he said it, his intent was clear…to remind me of exactly how sweet he thinks I taste. So that makes it worth it.

“Babe, they also have a ton of cookies! You love cookies.” I point to the glass in front.

He hugs me around the waist. “I do indeed. We’ll need to get a few dozen.”

“A few?”

He shrugs and I shake my head. We are greeted by a woman in a red apron and a hat that I usually attribute to old men who golf. I glance at the few men and women hustling around the bakery. They all seem to be wearing them. “I like your hat,” I said.

“Oh, it’s day-cent,” the woman said. “You look like one of us, but you’re American.” She smiles, her Irish accent very thick.

“We’re here for our wedding and our honeymoon. We actually bought a home up the way.”

“Ah, big, faces the ocean?”

I nod happily. “That’s the one.” She whistles and Chase puts an arm around my chest from behind and nuzzles my neck.

“Making friends with the locals, baby?” He kisses my neck.

“I am.”

“What can I get ya two lovebirds,” she asks. I find that I want to find ways to make her speak. Her accent is adorable.

“I’ll have one of those scones,” I point to the item.

“It comes with jam and whipped cream.” She hits a few buttons on the register.

“Um, why?”

Her eyebrows scrunch together and Chase laughs. “Baby, that’s how the Irish eat a scone.”


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