Page 68 of Emperor of Rage

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I can’t help but smirk.

Fuck me. Maybethatwas the premonition that I felt tingling at the back of my neck. Not impending danger, just my cousin deciding to gototallyoff script and actually show some affection toward his enemy-turned-arranged-bride.

“Shit,” Hana mutters, clapping along with everyone else and shaking her head as she shoots a look my way. “Who the hell hadthaton their fake wedding bingo card?”

Next to her, Tak snorts. “I don’t know what the fuck his angle is there, but?—”

“C’mon,” Hana sighs. “Maybe hisangleis that he wants to kiss his new bride?”

“Those twodo notwant to be kissing each other, trust me,” Tak snickers. “One of them is fucking with the other one right now, I’m just curious why?—”

I whirl, every sense jangling as the front doors of the church slam inward and splinter into a thousand pieces.

A van comes crashing through them, careening down the center aisle. The congregation erupts into chaos, screaming, scatteringin every direction as it screeches to a halt in the middle of the church.

My body reacts before my mind can catch up. My gun is in my hand, and I’m moving toward the van even as I glance over my shoulder to roar at Tak to get Sota and Hana the fuck out of here. But Sota’s men are already on that, and Takeshi is right behind me, his own gun raised.

“Stay back,” I hiss at him as screaming fills the church, along with the dust and debris from the crash. Then my head yanks around the other way, my gaze lasering through the dust and debris-filled air.

To Freya.

My heart lurches in my chest when I see her frozen in the crowd, her face pale with shock. All I can think about is making sure she’s okay. I can’t explain it or rationalize it, I justneedto know that she’s safe.

I tear my gaze from her, focusing on the van as I approach slowly. There’s no movement inside, but I keep my gun trained on the driver’s side door as I creep closer.

Dust still chokes the air. People are still screaming in the background as guards from both sides bark orders and load guns.

But I’m utterly focused on the door as I make my way closer, every step taking an eternity, the tension building with each second.

“Out of the van!” I roar. “Now!”

There’s no response. I move closer.


Still nothing.

Yeah, fuck this. I charge the rest of the way to the door, grit my teeth, take a dust-filled breath, then grab the handle and yank it open before jamming the barrel of my gun inside.

It’s empty.

No driver. No passenger. Nobody in the back.

What the fuck?

I frown as I turn away, my eyes catching Kenzo’s where he’s standing at the altar, his body shielding Annika.

“It’s empty!” I yell at him.

He frowns. Then, in slow motion, everything changes.

Kenzo’s confused expression suddenly morphs into one of pure panic. His eyes widen as his face pales.

“GET BACK!!” he roars, jumping down from the chancel and bolting toward me. “MAL! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM?—”

Oh fuck.


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