Page 49 of Emperor of Rage

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Getting up on my knees in front of him, I reach forward. My hands tremble, and my fingers feel weak when they brush the metal of his belt buckle. I fumble at first, feeling as if I’m in a dream state. Finally, I get it loosened and undone.

“Next the button, and the zipper.”

I can’t meet his gaze. Not because I’m ashamed, or afraid.

But because I’m worried he’ll see something in my eyes I can’t let him see. It won’t be shame. It won’t be fear.

It’ll beneed.

The power imbalance here makes that even more fucked up. The fact that technically, I’m being forced to do this. Except I don’t feel very forced right now. It could be that the very power imbalance is what has my skin tingling and my body aching for more.

I want to hate him for making me do this. And maybe Ido. But not because of this.

Right now, I feel fuckingalivein a way I’m not sure I ever have.

My fingers tremble as they pop the button of his black jeans, and then tug down the zipper, tooth by tooth. When I’m done, I swallow, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth.


“Do I need to tell you what to do next?” Mal rumbles quietly.

I’m not sure what to say, so I say nothing.

“Look at me.”

I shiver when he reaches out, his big hand cupping my jaw and lifting my face to his.

“Look at me,” Mal growls darkly. “And don’tstoplooking at me until I tell you to.”

Our eyes lock. Something wicked and fierce flickers between us.

“Take out my cock.”

My thighs squeeze together. Something dark pools inside of me.

…And I reach for him.

My pulse quickens, and my fingers shake as I reach for the waistband of his underwear. When I touch his skin for the first time, I feel a clenching pulse in my core. I half-expected someone as cold and vicious as Mal to be cool to the touch, like the undead or something.

Instead, he’s almost scalding hot.

My hands shake as I pull down his briefs—lower and lower, my eyes dropping to the trail of dark hair leading down from his chiseled abs and navel, the v-lines of his hips distracting me as I pull the elastic down further.

That’s where I stop.

I have no idea how to physically take his cock out of the confines of his briefs and his pants.

“Look at me, Freya,” he commands, his voice low and rasping.

My eyes snap back to his. His own hands push mine aside, reaching into his briefs and pushing them and his pants lower down his hips. He pulls his hand out.

And my jaw fuckingdrops.

Holy. Fucking.Shit.

Being twenty-six years old and a virgin doesn’t make me a prude. It also doesn’t mean I’ve never seen a dick before. Not inreal life, but I do watch a fair amount of aggressive, kinky porn.

Mal’s bigger thananyof the guys I’ve seen in those videos.

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