Page 40 of Emperor of Rage

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My pulse races, my mind scrambling to make sense of what’s happening. But there’s no room for rational thought. I’m trapped by anactual fucking psychopath.

And he’senjoyingit.

“Trying to tell yourself that you hate this?” Mal’s voice is thick with mockery, his lips brushing against my ear. “That you want to push me away and say no to this?”

I can’t form words. My throat has closed up. Every instinct is screaming at me to fight, to flee, but I’m paralyzed. And my body—God, mybody—is betraying me. I can feel the pull, the twisted craving for his touch.

Mal’s fingers slowly slide out of my mouth, leaving a trail of warmth along my cheek. His eyes are locked on mine, a terrifying, dark hunger in them that makes my stomach twist.

“That’s just the world’s expectations talking,” he murmurs, his voice a low, hypnotic whisper. “The lies you tell yourself because you so desperately want to benormal.”

His hand shifts, cupping my chin, forcing my gaze to stay riveted to his. His eyes burn into mine with an intensity that makes me want to disappear, to collapse under the weight of his attention as he strokes his thumb across my swollen bottom lip.

“But you and I both know the truth, don’t we, Freya?” His voice drops to a soft growl, so low it sends a shiver down my spine. “You’renotnormal. And neither. Am. I.”

The words hit like a blow, sharp and unforgiving. Deep down, I know he’s right. He sees something in me, something I’ve been hiding for so long I barely remember it’s there. Something dark. Something twisted.

“Don’t put on that mask for me,” he continues, his voice firm, commanding. “That fake good-girl bullshit. I see right fucking through it. I seeyou.”

His fingers find my lips again, slipping between them, reminding me that he’s in control and there’s no escape. My body tenses up, every muscle tight, and before I can stop myself, I bite down.


I taste the metallic tang of copper, and feel his skin break beneath my teeth.

Mal doesn’t flinch.

At. All.

His lips just curl into a dark, twisted smile, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “If you think that’s going to do anything but turn me on even more, you’re mistaken.”

A wave of fear crashes over me, stronger this time. Helikesthis. My fear, my futile resistance, my powerlessness. No matter what I do, or how hard I fight back, he’s still in control.

“But,” he adds, his voice dropping lower, softer, “I’m not in the mood for blood today.”

I tremble under his gaze, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

“You see, I know what you want, Freya,” he murmurs, his fingers trailing down my body, teasing, testing. “I know what you crave. You’re not as good at hiding it as you think.”

I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to block out his words. Then I feel his fingers drag down the soft slope of my breast through my t-shirt. I bite down hard on my lip to stop the whimper when he pinches my throbbing, aching nipple, giving it a cruel twist that sends electricity throbbing through my core before he lets his hand wander lower.

My body trembles, my mind spinning in a vortex of shame and desire.

“You want control,” Mal whispers, his hand sliding even lower, pushing me closer to the edge. “But you also want tolose it. Completely. Withme. So be a good girl…”

His hand suddenly moves away from where it’s been lingering by my stomach and slides across the sheets to my hand. His fingers tangle with mine, gripping them firmly and bringing them back to rest against my stomach again, still laced with his.

Confusion furrows my brow, stilling my racing pulse for a moment.

…Until he starts to push my hand—our hands—lower.

I tremble and shake as he guides my fingers over my ribs, my stomach. He uses his thumb to lift the waist of my shorts and the lace of my thong before he pulls my hand with his underneath them both.

Something explosive pulses inside of me, so intense I feel like I might pass out. My fingers and his glide over my skin, over thesoft mound of my sex, until suddenly, with a stifled gasp, I feel both our fingers pushing wetly down through the soft, silky lips of my pussy.

“Feel what a fuckingmessyou’ve made,” he growls, his fingers curling mine against my pussy and bringing a sharp gasping cry to my lips. “Soaking your panties like a dirty littlewhore. Now, let’s see just how fucking greedy this little cunt is…”

There’s no preamble. No easing into things. In one motion, he pushes my index finger and his to my opening and rams themdeepinside.

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