Page 37 of Emperor of Rage

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But a few months ago, the old itch needed scratching. We talked to The Broker—a neutral, anonymous party who connects people like us to jobs thatneedpeople like us—and found ourselves talking to a particularly nasty motherfucker named Ulkan Gacaferi.

On the surface, Ulkan’s job was a breeze. All we had to do was steal a brand-new, neon yellow Lamborghini from the parking garage of an ultra-exclusive condo in midtown. He told us he was playing a practical joke on a friend of his. And he was willing to paya shitloadfor it: three hundred and fifty grand for the car itself, plus another hundred grand for our talents.

Needless to say, we took the job. I think we even told each other that we’d spend a bunch of the money on something nice for Kir.

Then things went bad.

We stole the car no problem, and were driving it to the drop-off point when we took a sharp turn and heard something heavy fall over in the trunk. And, like morons, we went to have a look.

Like I said, we fucked up.

Inside the trunk we found close to a hundred and fifty pounds of cocaine, something like two million in cash, and a couple of not-very-legal-looking machine guns.

They weren’t justanyone’sdrugs, cash, and guns, either.

…They belonged toValon.

Yeah. Insert sad trombone sound effect here.

We ditched the car by the Lincoln Tunnel, wiped it for prints, andwalked the fuck away. And now we’ve gottwodevils after us, and neither one is happy. Ulkan is pissed because we bailed on the job. And Valon is pissed because…well, because of the obvious.

He knows it was us. I mean I’m notpositive,but I’m also not stupid. Annika hasn’t said a word to me, but I know what I saw at her engagement party. Valon was there, and she was talking to him with a pale, stricken face.

Part of me is angry that she hasn’t told me about it, but the other part of me totally understands. She might want to shove it out of her mind.

However, us avoiding the subject doesn’t mean the threat—orthreats—aren’t out there.

Yeah, maybe—probably—the shooting the other night was one of Kir’s enemies, or Sota’s, or Kenzo’s, or…whoever’s.

Butmaybeit’s one of the two very dangerous men who have a huge bone to pick withus.

“What the fuck are we going to do, Frey?” She makes a face. “What if the other night was Ulkan, or something?”

Something like Valon, Anni?

I hold off on putting that out there. She’ll talk to me about her monster when she’s ready.

“I think for now, we just wait and see, okay?” I say quietly, squeezing her hand. “I mean it’s a total snooze-fest here, but youknowwe’re safe.”

There are like ten of Kir’s guys guarding the lobby, the roof, patrolling the hallways, and standing guard outside the door. Even the fucking windows are bullet-proof.

“Let’s just see what sort of rocks Kir and the Mori family kick over while they’re out there checking this out, okay?”

She nods glumly.

“You should also try to get some more rest,” I grin. “After all, you do have yourspeeecccial daaaaycoming up.”

Anni laughs and flips me off for my wedding crack. Then she hugs me.

“Why does it sometimes still feel like we’re running?”

“You wanna try standing still for once?”

She blows out a breath as she stands. “Sounds amazing. Sign me thefuckup.”

She walks back to the door and then glances at me over her shoulder. “Hey—speaking of sleep, you should get some too sometime.”

“Yeah, probably.”

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