Page 20 of Emperor of Rage

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My breath catches in my throat and my body goes rigid as he approaches, each step measured and deliberate. The dark energy swirling around him is almost suffocating, like a black hole that pulls everything toward him. My heart races, but I force myself to stay still, tightening my fingers around the glass in my hand.

Sota smiles, the picture of charm and grace, when Mal finally reaches us.

“Freya Holm,” Sota says, turning to nod at me. “I’d like you to meet Mal Ulstäd, Kenzo’s cousin. Like the Mori siblings, I consider him one of my own children.”

I swallow hard, trying to keep my face neutral. Mal doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to. The weight of his gaze is plenty. He watches me with an intensity that makes my skin prickle, his eyes sweeping over me like he’s cataloging every detail.

For a long moment, neither of us moves. Then, slowly, he extends his hand.

My pulse quickens, but I force myself to take it, my skin tingling when his fingers touch mine. His grip is firm, unyielding, and when I try to pull away, he doesn’t let go. Instead, he holds my hand for a fraction of a second longer than necessary, his ice-blue eyes never leaving mine.

“Freya Holm,” he murmurs, his voice low and smooth, laced with something…more.

It’s not a greeting. It’s a statement. A reminder.

Just then, one of Sota’s men comes over and whispers something in his ear. Sota nods and turns back to me. “I’m afraid I’m needed elsewhere. A pleasure to meet you, Miss Holm.”

“Likewise, Sota-san.”

I’d shake his hand before he goes.

But mine is occupied.


Ensnaredin Mal’s powerful grip. He hasn’t let go yet.

Sota smiles at Mal, claps him on the shoulder, and then follows his man into the crowd and disappears out of sight.

The silence between Mal and I is defeating. The energy around us throbs like a black cloud.

He’sstillholding my hand.

The moment drags on until it’s gone a hair past “awkwardly strange” and become “downright uncomfortable”. It’s only then that Mal’s hand suddenly drops, releasing me.

That’s just the start of it.

I gasp sharply as he moves almost dead against me, his body practically pressing to the front of mine. My head spins as he leans his head down, his lips brushing the edge of my ear.

“Or is itKaren Vanderschmit. I confess, I’m a little confused.”

The floor drops out from under me, and the entire world goes still.

Oh God.

He knows.

Because he’shim.

The man from the other night. I’m almost touching the very monster who caught me that night. Who pinned me, and stroked his fingers over my tongue…

Heat explodes across my face. My core spasms as my throat closes off. And all I can do is raise my wide eyes to his, staring at him in awe and fear.

It’s either two seconds or eight hours that I stand there breathlessly, staring at him like I’m face to face with the devil himself. But when the moment’s over, suddenly, he’s just…gone…turning and slipping back into the crowd like a shadow.

Two seconds. I’m pretty sure it was just two seconds.

That’s all it took for him to shake me to very fucking core.

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