Page 108 of Emperor of Rage

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She finishes her text with about a million happy face, heart, confetti and champagne emojis. Then we reiterate that we HAVE to meet up while I’m still in Japan.

A small smile tugs at the corner of my mouth. Cain’s banter and needing my help has grounded me a little, compared to earlier. Later that evening, I retreat to my room for a scheduled video call with Kir and as the screen flickers to life, the familiar sight of his face further easing the tension that’s been building in my chest. His sharp blue eyes focus on me, his expression as composed as ever.

“How are things over there?” Kir asks.

“Busy,” I reply, trying to muster a smile. “I’ve been reviewing the quarterlies for Flux Logistics.”

Kir’s brow arches at the mention of the latest company to fall in his crosshairs. Yes, the Nikolayev Bratva is a criminal organization. But that doesn’t mean it’sexclusivelycriminal. Kir is very, very good at layering his illegal activities and income between legitimate endeavors, which hides his criminality quite well. Flux Logistics, a Baltimore-based shipping company, is a perfect acquisition target for him: a legitimate company that’salreadya front for a smuggling operation. The purchase price includes the actual shipping company, which turns a good profit, as well as the muscle and connections with the smuggling operation.

“And?” Kir asks, amusement and excitement in his voice that he can’t quite hide.

“Their numbers check out.”


He’s smirking. He already knows what I would find on the current owner. He just needed me to find the proof of it for leverage.

“Yeah… He’s fucking the nanny. They meet twice a week at his offices once the wife takes the kids back from her.”

Kir smiles. “And would this be the thirty-five-year-old nanny, or the?—”

“You know perfectly well that it’s the one who’s nineteen.”

“God, I’m going to enjoy fucking him with this. Good work, Frey. Seriously. That wasn’t an easy find. He was cautious.”

I grin. What can I say? I’m a sucker for genuine, nice compliments, especially from someone I respect, like Kir.

But even as we discuss business, my thoughts keep drifting to Mal, to the strange distance between us that I can’t seem to bridge, the wall between us that I don’t know how to break through.

“Everything else all right?” Kir’s brow furrows slightly as he studies me.

I pause, debating whether I should tell him what’s been bothering me.

Are you fucking high?

I clear my throat, forcing a smile. “I’m fine,” I say quickly. “Just a little tired. It’s nothing.”

Kir gives me a long, searching look, but eventually nods. “Make sure you take care of yourself. Oh—have you talked with Damian recently?”

Not as recently as I’d like, but Damian and Ihavebeen talking pretty regularly since I got to Japan.

“Maybe two days ago?”

Kir sighs. “Well, he’s got it into his head that he wants to come visit.”

I snort. “Let me guess, someone’s still pissed that they were in a coma when Kenzo married their pseudo-sister and now he wants to come over and shit on the lawn about it?”

Kir throws his head back in a big laugh. “That about sums it up.”

“Won’tthatbe fun.”

He grins. “Give him a call. I doubt you’ll convince him not to come, but maybe you can take the pressure down a bit before he goes over there and does something reckless.”

“Hey, he’syournephew.”

“Oh, and hesolistens to me,” Kir mutters sarcastically.

I giggle. “I’ll see what I can do.”

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