Page 5 of Her Bears

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“The girl,” he admits. “She was really scared when she saw me. What if a bear stumbles onto her? I mean, not one of us, but just a bear. He won’t be able to stop himself from hurting her.”

“All the more reason for her to go home, or at least to Pinehaven and stay there, if she wants to take these stupid photos.”

“You know she wants to take photos of us, right?”

“Of course I know,” I frown. “I’m not that stupid.”

“Just saying,” he shrugs.

“I’ve got enough on my mind with everything that’s going on,” I remind him. “I have the whole village to look after. A human girl who’s decided to come to the middle of the woods on a photography whim is none of my concern.”

“If you say so,” he shrugs, but the grin on his face lingers for much longer than I’d like it to.

Before I can say anything else, he turns around and walks in the direction of Willow’s cottage. I turn the knob to my door and enter my little haven, closing the door behind me. Upon stepping inside, a warm hearth dominates the main living space. The walls are decorated with bear pelts and tribal tapestries. The scent of burning pinewood and fragrant herbs lingers in the air, and I close my eyes, inhaling deeply. This scent has always managed to put me at ease.

A plush rug, woven with earthy tones and bear motifs covers the wooden floor, providing a soft contrast to the sturdy furnishings. In the corner, a handcrafted wooden table serves as a focal point, with carved runes depicting our clan’s history and achievements. I walk over to it and caress it with the tips of my fingers. A map of the surrounding wilderness is spread across its surface, marked with strategic points and territories under the Ursidae clan’s guardianship. My own chair, crafted from dark, polished wood and covered in bear fur, occupies a prominent position at the head of the table.

As in all the other cottages, my sleeping quarters are tucked away behind a woven curtain, just a large bed with a bearskin quilt and intricately embroidered pillows. One of the females who have crossed over from another clan, marrying into ours, is a skilled seamstress, and her gift for the entire village were embroidered pillows of all kinds, sizes and colors. There is a small sturdy wooden dresser by the bed, and on it, tribal jewelry and ceremonial artifacts displayed alongside a small collection of my books that I have gathered on my travels to the land of humans.

I’ve always tried to keep us separated, but it seems that our paths have been destined to cross. My mind wanders back to Elena. Of course, I remember her name. I remember much more about her than I’m willing to admit, even to myself. I know this is all risky, too risky. But I know that Cal is right. Something is telling me I have to keep her safe… at all cost.

Chapter Three


I huddle close to the flickering campfire, the flames dancing in my eyes, but barely able to illuminate the surrounding darkness. The crackling logs are a weak protection from the encroaching night, and the rhythmic snaps resonate with the unseen rustling in the wilderness that I’m not used to. A cool breeze rustles the leaves overhead, yet another unfamiliar sound, sending shivers down my spine.

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. The thought occurs to me again, but I try to banish it.

The shadows cast by the fire seem to twist and elongate, creating an eerie landscape around me. The once familiar sounds of nature I can easily recognize in the daytime, have taken on an unfamiliar symphony that is setting my nerves on edge. Rustling in the underbrush and the occasional hoot of an owl just keep making things even worse.

Then, a sudden crunch of leaves is heard behind me, and my breath catches in my throat. I grab a nearby branch, long and thick, which I’ve been keeping by my side for protection, and I whirl around to face the approaching figure. Panic grips me and my eyes widen with terror.

It’s that bear again. He’s come back to finish what he started…

As the silhouette steps into the meager light of the campfire, relief washes over me like a tidal wave. Rock’s tall and sturdy frame, along with his rugged features, become visible, as the flickering firelight casts a warm hue on his face.

“Oh…” I say, my body still trembling as I grip the branch in my hand. “It’s you.”

His eyes, intense and piercing, immediately soften as he senses my fear.

“Didn’t mean to startle you,” he tells me, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace, his movements slow and deliberate. The sound of his voice immediately unravels the knot of tension in my chest, and I can breathe easily once again.

“You… you scared the life out of me,” I admit, as my initial fear gives way to a mix of embarrassment and relief. “I thought it was that bear again.”

His lips part, as if he wants to say something, but he changes his mind in the last minute. Instead, he walks over to me and takes a seat next to me. Wordlessly, I do the same. Our shoulders touch, but neither of us moves. The intimacy of the moment is palpable, as if the wilderness itself has brought two unlikely allies together. I know it is silly to think of us that way, but I can’t help but wonder why he came back. We both gaze at the flickering flames for a while, then he breaks the silence.

“I told you to leave,” he tells me, not very politely. Strangely, I know he doesn’t mean it as an insult.

“I know,” I nod, not taking my eyes off the fire. “I guess sometimes we have to do things we are afraid of… in order to grow, you know?”

He turns to me, and I can feel his gaze burning a hole in my cheek. I dare not turn to meet his eyes.

“Is that why you are here?” he asks me, his voice a low, soothing rumble.

“Honestly?” I ask in return, this time glancing at him. “I don’t know why I’m here.”

He chuckles, the sound resonating through the quiet night. “You people never know why you do anything.”

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