Page 43 of Her Bears

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“I think that is the most beautiful thing I’ve heard you say,” she gushes eventually.

“It’s nice to know I can surprise you,” I grin.

“Everything here is a surprise,” she nods. “A nice one.”

“How do you feel here, at the village?” I ask softly.

“Well…” she hesitates, then decides to be honest. “I still feel like everyone is wary of me. And of course, I understand that. But I think I’ve noticed less suspicious glances, and more curious ones. I like those much better.”

“I bet,” I smile at her, relishing the sight of her beaming eyes and melodious voice.

The more time I spend with her, the more I realize that I can’t let her go back. I wouldn’t be able to live without her, andI know Rock wouldn’t be able to live without her either. We’ve gotten too used to having her near, to being her protectors. Almost as if, with her gone, we would lose a part of who we have become. And neither of us wants that to happen.

Suddenly, we both hear unsettling growling sounds, breaking the serenity of the moment. My eyes narrow, my instincts kicking in, as we both turn our attention to the source of the disturbance. The growls, low and ominous, seem to echo from somewhere outside of the cottage, but still dangerously close.

“Did you hear that?” she asks, her voice trembling.

“Sounds like trouble,” I tell her, placing my hand on her shoulder. “I need you to stay here, while I check it out. And lock the door behind me.”

“But I can help,” she urges.

“No,” I shake my head. “You can help by staying here and making sure you’re safe. We don’t know what’s going on out there. When it’s safe, I’ll come back for you.”

I get up, and she walks with me to the door. I turn around one more time. “Lock it, El.”

“Okay,” she nods, her eyes wide and doe-like.

I lean closer and kiss her on the forehead, then I turn around and head out into the village.

Chapter Twenty-One


Even though the doors are locked, I know that doesn’t mean I am completely safe. My senses are on high alert as I’m listening to the unsettling symphony of growls and something that dangerously resembles fighting noises. All of it is causing an anxious knot to form in my stomach. Fear creeps in instantly, urging me to rush outside, to see what is happening.

But I promised Cal I would stay inside and remain safe while he deals with whatever the threat is outside. I pace anxiously across the small space, walking over to the window. I try to remain hidden behind the curtains, but from that perspective I can’t see anything. The growls are slowly intensifying, mingling with the muffled sounds of the ongoing struggle.

“The bear shifters…” I whisper to myself. “They found us.”

The tension inside of me is mounting and it is trying to suffocate me. I know that I can’t stay here any longer. I have to go outside and see what is happening. The growls are becoming unbearable. They are so loud that it seems they are now coming from inside the cottage.

I unlock the door, cautiously emerging from my cottage, as a surreal scene unfolds before my eyes. Bears, larger and more menacing than any I have ever seen before, are clashing with humans who fight valiantly to protect their village. But I know they are not mere humans, but rather bears who didn’t have the time to shift, because the attack was too swift and sudden. This once peaceful village is now a battleground, as the clash of claws and weapons echoes all around me.

My breath catches in my throat, as fear and awe are intertwined inside of me. I can barely move. I feel like I’m frozen in time and space. The villagers are led by Rock and Cal, as they all engage in a fierce struggle against the beastly bear shifters. A few of the villagers managed to transform, but as I’ve seen, that takes time. And now, time is of the essence. They have to seize every single moment of it.

I press my back against the wall of a nearby cottage, not sure what to do. My eyes scan my immediate surroundings, wondering if there is anything I can use as a means of defense. Finally, I notice a board with a few nails sticking out of it. It is obviously a part of a bench that had only been half finished at the time of the attack. I grab it, holding it firmly with both hands. I have no idea if it will help me or not. But I can’t just stay here doing nothing.

I look around as the clash is slowly reaching a critical point. I turn to my left, seeing a woman in trouble, as a bear growls menacingly at her. She keeps pulling away from it. I can see black hair sprouting from her arms, but she doesn’t have enough time to shift. The bear will pounce on her immediately.

Without hesitation, I rush to the woman’s help. All around me, I hear grunts and growls, and a bear’s paw almost strikes me as I remain focused on my task. I jump to the side, saving myself from an imminent blow. Just as the other bear is trying to lunge at the woman, I swing the board with the nails at it, and it gets stuck into the bear’s thick fur.

To my utter horror, I realize that I haven’t wounded it at all. I might have scratched it a little. That, plus I made it super pissed now. The bear shifts its focus towards me now, as my heart is beating inside my throat. I can barely breathe. The bear is huge, and I know that it could kill me with one blow. Heck, it could kill me without even trying.

I take a step back, not taking my eyes off the bear even for a single moment. I know that the usual tactics for fighting off a bear will not work here. I spread my arms wide, but the bear doesn’t even blink. I know nothing will work. At least, nothing that I myself can do. I swallow heavily, glad that I at least managed to help someone else.

The bear slowly moves towards me, each step more menacing than the last. My life flashes before my eyes, as I know that I am inches away from certain death. But I won’t back down. Hopefully, my actions will be remembered, and the bear shifters will know that not all humans are to be feared and shunned.

The bear is so close to me that I can feel its smelly breath on my face. Our noses are almost touching. I know it is just toying with me, its easy prey. But I refuse to close my eyes and go down gently. I inhale deeply, my chest rising, my shoulders spreading.

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