Page 40 of Her Bears

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I smile at them both. “I think I like that.”

We sit there for a while longer, as the weeping willow tree under which we sit stands as a silent witness to the bonds formed in its shade. Yes, ours is quite the unconventional love story, but then again, which one is conventional? Everyone finds happiness in their own way. This is ours. I feel sure of it. As for my dreams… perhaps I will forget them eventually. I keep reminding myself that one can’t have it all. Something has to be given in exchange for something else.

We head back to the village shortly after, and I’m not sure if I’m imagining it or not, but I feel like there is a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The villagers, who have regarded me with curiosity and a touch of skepticism, now seem to cast fewer strange looks my way, as we walk towards my cottage. It is as if they are beginning to see me as a more integral part of the village.

The glances I do receive seem less tinged with uncertainty, and the small ones even send smiles my way, although their parents pull them aside still. The bustling activities in the village carry on as we pass them by, but I am hopeful of this potential acceptance woven into the fabric of my return here.

The guys leave me to freshen up, reminding me that lunch will be served within the hour.

“I’ll be there,” I smile, kissing them both on the cheek, then closing the door to my cottage.

I notice that all my things have been moved here. Surrounded by the solitude of my cottage, I find a moment of peace. The familiar surroundings of my belongings fill me with a sense of calm, offering a comforting embrace as I lay down on the bed, contemplating the twists and turns of my exciting journey.

I glance at the window, as the sunlight filters through the curtains, casting a gentle warmth that bathes the entire room. I can still hear the soft rustle of leaves in the wind, and the distant sounds of the village almost like a soothing symphony.

The events of the day replay inside my mind. The sex, the talk, the promises. Our bond settles in my heart and a sense of belonging envelops me. Is that what belonging feels like? I don’t think I’ve ever felt it before, even when it comes to my own family. I have been searching for validation outside this entire time, but all I needed was to be at peace with myself and to find someone who will accept me for who I am.

I gaze outside the window, allowing my mind to wander, reflecting on the choices I have made, as well as the ones that are still waiting for me. The path I have chosen to follow is… not ordinary. And that in itself makes me happy. I grab my camera and shift through the photos I took at the waterfall, smiling at them. They represent the beauty and complexity of my newfound life. Beautiful, but frightening. Deadly even, if one is not careful.

I get up, deciding to freshen up for lunch. After all, if I am to stay here, I want to make the best impression I can; that I value their patience with me.

Chapter Twenty


It is my turn to take the watch outside the cave, and I’m joined by Leo. We don’t do much talking, as we need to be vigilant, keeping a watchful eye on the surroundings. I can see in his eyes that he is worried, wondering what will happen to the village with all these changes about.

“Are you alright?” I ask. He’s a bit younger than me, and not as close to Rock, so I can imagine that there are doubts in his mind, creating all sorts of suspicions.

He looks at me, puzzled. “Yeah, why?”

I shrug. “I don’t know, you just look worried.”

He doesn’t say anything at first, almost as if he’s afraid to speak his mind.

“You can talk to me,” I try to reassure him.

He inhales deeply, then reveals his worries. “Are we safe here?”

I smile. “Why wouldn’t we be?”

“I… I’m scared, Cal,” he admits, and I know that takes a lot of guts.

“It’s okay to be scared,” I tell him. “We all feel like that sometimes.”

“What do you do then?” he asks.

“Well… don’t let that fear control you,” I advise him, realizing that I must sound like Rock. The thought pleases me. I’ve never been the one to give advice, especially to the younger generations. “You keep doing what is right and use that fear as incentive.”

“I’ll try to do that,” he smiles back, a little nervously, but it is a smile, nonetheless. He looks somewhere behind me, andhis eyes widen. I turn in the same direction, and I can see that a group of villagers are returning from their scouting mission.

As they approach, the lines on Rock’s face reveal a mix of determination and concern. Leo and I exchange glances, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

“Any news?” I ask once they are within earshot.

Rock shakes his head. “We didn’t find any tracks nearby,” he tells us. “But the threat is still here. I fear they just might be better at hiding than we give them credit for. Just… keep your eyes sharp, guys.”

I nod, my gaze unwavering, while Leo tightens the grip on the bow in his hands.

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