Page 37 of Her Bears

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“She is not the one you have to protect them from,” I tell him patiently. “Listen, I understand this is highly unusual. And that it is probably making you feel uneasy.”

“It is,” Rose interjects this time.

“You are a woman, Rose,” I turn to her. “You know how important it is to have protection. She… Elena… doesn’t have anyone here. She is all alone, camping out in the woods.”

“Why isn’t she in Pinehaven then?” Jonas inquires.

I don’t want to tell him that she was in more danger there than out here in the woods.

“Only we can protect her,” I reply. “She’s been with Cal and me in the woods, and we’ve all been attacked by an enemy bear shifter. I have made the decision to bring her here.”

Leo frowns at me. “Why should we trust her? Humans only bring trouble.” There is a note of skepticism in his voice, and I understand where it is coming from. Humans have really brought us nothing but trouble whenever they were close to us.

I decide to choose my words carefully. “She is not like the others. She didn’t want to come here, because she knew that she would not be welcome. I went after her, to convince her to come, because she truly needs our help. We must be good, compassionate and extend our protection to those in need, regardless of who they are.”

The trio all exchange glances, obviously still uncertain about the presence of a human in their midst. The idea of accepting someone from the outside challenged their established norms, but for all the right reasons. I can’t fault themfor being extra careful, when I myself taught them to always be like that.

“I ask for your trust in this matter,” I continue. “We are a community that looks out for one another. Let’s show kindness and help those who seek not to attack us, but on the contrary, who seek refuge among us.”

The weight of my words hang in the air as the three of them are deliberating the meaning behind it. After a moment, a nod passes among them, signaling a tentative agreement.

“If you say she needs our help, we’ll give her a chance,” Jonas assures me. “But we’re watching.”

I acknowledge the compromise, nodding in gratitude. “That is all I am asking. Thank you.”

With a shared understanding, the three of them leave. I am left to navigate the delicate balance between the tradition that we have striven to upkeep and the new wave of things I myself have chosen to adopt. Realizing that Elena might herself feel a little apprehensive to be here, I decide to wake her up first, then Cal, so we can take her to a nearby waterfall. Maybe taking some photos of a breathtaking spot might make her feel better. In fact, it will make all of us forget the tension that hasn’t left the village ever since we found out about the other bear shifter threat.

Getting dressed quickly, I make my way to Elena’s cottage. A sense of determination is infusing my every step, and the sun above me is promising that this will be a lovely day which we shouldn’t waste. I approach her door and knock gently.

“Elena?” I whisper, when after a few seconds, there is no reply.

I wait a bit longer, then the door creaks open, revealing a sleepy-eyed Elena, still in the midst of waking up. Her tousled fiery hair is framing her face as she blinks against the morning light.

“Rock?” she echoes. “What’s… going on?”

“Get ready,” I tell her, walking past her. “We’re going… now.”

“Going?” she turned to me, rubbing her eyes. “Where? Is everything alright?

“Yes, yes, of course,” I nod, realizing that I maybe didn’t approach this the right way. “Everything is alright. I was just thinking we could wake up Cal and head over to the waterfalls. I thought you might enjoy capturing its beauty with your camera.”

Her eyes immediately light up, welcoming the suggestion. “A waterfall? That sounds amazing. I’d love to take some photos and get my mind off of everything. But… are you sure we’ll be safe there?”

“I’m sure,” I nod. “It’s not too far away from here. Besides, we’ll be careful.”

“Alright then,” she beams at me, looking around. “Let me just get ready.”

“Take your time,” I tell her. “I’ll go wake up Cal, and we’ll come pick you up, alright?”

“Yes,” she nods. “And… thank you,” she says sweetly, stepping on her toes to kiss me on the cheek.

I gently touch the place she kissed, feeling it burn. “I’ll be back soon,” I say a little awkwardly, leaving her cottage.

About an hour later, all three of us arrive at the waterfall and the sight that greets us is nothing short of enchanting. The cascading water, glistening in the sunlight, is dancing down rugged rocks surrounded by lush greenery. A gentle mist hangs in the air, creating an ethereal atmosphere that only seems to add to the allure of the scene.

“This is… breathtaking…” Elena manages to whisper, in awe of the sight before us.

The sound of the rushing water echoes through the secluded space, creating a soothing melody that only adds tothe harmony of nature around us. Sunlight is filtering through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns on the moss-covered rocks and the crystal-clear pool below.

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