Page 26 of Her Bears

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I pull out, calming myself down. She understands. When she tastes it again, she is slow, her every tongue movement deliberate. I want to feel the back of her throat. I want to slide into her heat and explode with pleasure. But I want to do it slowly. I want to take my sweet time.

She keeps sucking me off, using her other hand to caress my balls and play with them.

“Fuck…” I can’t hold my breath. She is too good. Everything she does is pushing me closer and closer, and I knowI can’t last long like this. It’s been a while since someone had me in their mouth, and it wasn’t like this.

Rock pulls away, his lips glistening from her juices. He moves to the side, kissing her stomach, her breasts, worshipping her body. I position myself between her thighs. Rock has pulled down her panties, and I can see the glistening, pink flesh of her pussy, beckoning me to fuck her.

I touch her with my fingers, listening to the wet sound. It turns me on beyond belief. I slide my fingers inside of her, making her moan loudly. She has Rock’s cock in her hand, jerking him off, while his tongue is playing with her nipple. The very sight of that is enough to drive me insane.

I bring my wet fingers to my lips, tasting her. It’s perfection.

I thrust my cock into her gently, feeling the wet heat envelop me on all sides. She moans louder and louder, jerking Rock off. I keep fucking her harder and harder, as if there is no tomorrow. In a way, there isn’t. She might be gone. We might be gone. The whole world might be gone. But we will still have this moment to remember forever.

I keep my eyes open, not wanting to close them even for a single second. I want to look at her, in this moment of ecstasy. My cock is filling her up, and a moment later, her entire body tightens. Her heat pulls me into her, keeping me there, palpitating against my cock inside of her. Her cheeks are flushed, her breathing has become raspy.

As soon as her body relaxes, I continue thrusting slowly, allowing her some time to adjust. Her eyes tell me that she needs no time. She wants me again and I give it to her.

Her lips turn to Rock’s cock, taking him into her mouth. Her pussy spreads before me like a flower, pink and plump, as my cock pushes into her, then slides out all wet and burning, yearning to go back inside of her. I fuck her until my mind isa blank, and I’m almost late pulling it out and cuming onto her inner thigh, breathing heavily.

She keeps jerking Rock off, until I see him cum into her hands and on her lips. Then, all three of us roll down onto the soft grass, next to each other, waiting for our breathing to stabilize.

I can feel Elena’s body next to mine and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her close. I look at her, noticing that she is holding Rock’s hand. I smile as I gaze into the vast expanse of the night sky. The stars look like scattered diamonds on a velvet canvas. I can’t help but wonder if what just happened here was a fluke, a onetime thing that we will forget about by tomorrow. That seems highly unlikely, but it is a possibility.

Then, I wonder if the three of us could ever cross the boundaries of the lives that we live and be something more… all three of us. It seems so strange. It’s not something I’ve ever considered or thought possible. But in light of what has happened, it is.

Chapter Thirteen


I open my eyes with the guys still sleeping. The morning sun has painted the sky in hues of soft pinks and oranges. The remnants of sleep are still clinging to my consciousness, leaving me in a state of quiet confusion. The powerful emotions of the previous night still linger inside of me, a complex tapestry of feelings woven with threads of confusion and desire.

I look at Rock first. He is sleeping so soundly. He looks much more calm than when he’s awake. I can only imagine how difficult it must be to be the leader everyone looks up to. I don’t know if I could ever carry so much burden on my shoulders. But he does. Every single day.

I turn to my left side and see Cal, who is also asleep. He is even smiling in his sleep. His hand is on my belly, and I gently move it to the side. He stirs at that exact moment. I wait to see if he will wake up, but he just readjusts himself and goes back to sleep.

I wonder if I should just stay here and face them when they wake up. But I feel slightly embarrassed that I initiated everything that happened last night. I have no idea where I mustered the courage for it. I’ve never done anything like that. First with Rock. Now with both of them.

Instead of being shocked and outraged with myself, I feel… content. I feel like, for the first time, I’ve done exactly what I wanted when I wanted it, without any fear of being judged. That is a fear that has cast a shadow on me my entire life. I felt like all eyes were always on me, just waiting for me to make a mistake. My sister used to love pointing them out to me. Luckily for her, there were a lot of them to point out. And my parents, insteadof being on our side, bringing me and my sister closer together; were yet another tool which made me believe that my own family has always been my biggest obstacle in life, my biggest obstacle in being truly happy with who I was, who I am now.

I try not to dwell on that now. It doesn’t matter. I am not there, and they are not here. That’s why, I shouldn’t even think about them. This is all about me, about being selfish, about doing what one wants and feels is right.

I glance at the guys once again, then silently grab my camera and tip toe away from them in an unknown direction. As I stroll through the woods, I can’t help but be in awe of everything around me, from the way the dappled sunlight filters through the branches above me to the play of shadows on the earth floor. Everything sounds like a symphony, untouched by the hands of humans, which makes it all the more precious.

I have embarked on a solitary journey, but I don’t feel alone. With my camera in hand, I feel like I’m on an adventure of a lifetime. In fact, ever since I came here, everything has been one adventure after another. The natural beauty around me only adds to the sense of awe and wonder. I feel as if this is a completely different world from the one I came from. I have reverted to the state of a child who is yet to discover the true beauty of the world. I have to stop and take a look at the delicate petals of wildflowers, the intricate patterns of tree bark, every blade of grass that grows up toward the sun. Each click of the shutter is a snapshot of a serene moment that will never happen again. And I am lucky enough to be here and see it all.

One step at a time, I delve more deeply into the woods, but I don’t feel afraid. On the contrary, a part of me feels as if I belong here. Lost in a reverie, I find myself pondering the possibility of a life here, with Rock and Cal.

With both of them? That little voice inside of me wonders.

The answer is a resounding yes. I know it’s strange in any way you choose to look at it. I know I would be judged back home for even considering something like that, but here, away from all the prying eyes, I feel liberated enough to be who I want to be, with whoever I want to be. If the guys were willing to share such an intimate moment together with me, maybe they would consider more than that.

I shake my head at myself. I am rushing ahead of myself as always. They probably see this as nothing more than just a fling. Suddenly, a tight grip of jealousy locks around me. What if this wasn’t the first time they did something like that?

No. No. Well… maybe. I can’t be sure, unless I ask. But would I ever ask them such a thing?

I blush immediately, just at the thought of such a conversation with them. But something assures me that all I have to do is ask. The very quietude around me invites more introspection, and I can’t help but think of the simplicity of life here. I could take as many beautiful photographs as I would like. So, what if I don’t make it to the cover of National Geographic or ever become famous as a photographer? Doing what I love for a living should be enough, even if I don’t make a ton of money out of it. The very act of it is pleasure, and that old saying is right: if you do what you love for a living, you won’t have to work a day in your life. The thought makes me smile.

The idyllic scenes around me only seem to fuel my daydreams, painting vivid pictures inside my mind that, at least for a brief moment, feel like a sanctuary away from the complexities of the world I left behind. But a hint of reality still lingers on, whispering that such a scenario might be too fantastical to materialize. How would they see it at the village? Would they accept me? They’ve already shown that they aren’t too fond of outsiders. I can understand that, but at the same time, I can’t.

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