Page 17 of Her Bears

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“Who is that?” I ask.

The man is standing right in the clearing, illuminated by a tidal wave of moonlight. His commanding presence immediately sets him apart from the others, and I know why Phillip is focusing our attention on him.

The man is tall and robust, with a muscular physique that seems to perfectly blend human and animal strength. His shoulders are broad, and he stands in a way that demands authority. His clothes resemble a caveman’s, not all that human, as if his allegiance lies more with his animal side than his human side, and he wants everyone to know that.

His gaze is fixated somewhere opposite from us, and he doesn’t move, almost like a statue. I wonder if he is even remotely, aware of our presence, of us watching them. The thought sends shivers down my spine.

“Is that their leader?” I ask with a low murmur.

“Mhm,” Phillip replies.

“Do you know of him?” Rock inquires.

“No,” Phillip gives an honest answer. “I’ve never seen him before. He must belong to a shifter clan I haven’t stumbled onto yet.”

“What do you make of him? Anything we should be wary of?” Rock asks another question.

“He is a formidable opponent, no doubt about that. A leader with both human intelligence and the strength of a bear,” Phillip describes him as much as he can under the circumstances, but honestly, I could have figured that out on my own.

“Do you think it might be possible to communicate with him?” Rock’s voice is a steady whisper. I can’t hear any fear in it. He knows that a war is probably inevitable, but he is still considering saving both sides the unnecessary bloodshed.

“I can’t know,” Phillip replies. “I doubt it, honestly.”

“I was afraid of that,” Rock nods. “They’ve already made their intentions known. I suppose any talking would be a fruitless endeavor.”

“Bottom line is that we need to keep our clan safe, no matter what,” I say, and without even replying, I know that they both agree.

“We’re going to spend some time here, so I want everyone to make notes on the clan, anything you can memorize about their numbers, activities… anything will be of help when we get back to the village and have a meeting,” Rock instructs. “Phillip, check the numbers and the camp layout, especially the sentinel position. Cal, focus on the leader. I’ll watch for signs of preparation and their interaction dynamics.”

We do as he bid us. I myself make mental notes about the camp, aware that each detail, no matter how small and insignificant it might seem at first, is a part of the puzzle that is to be our defense against them. So, I do exactly as Rock instructs us. I focus on the leader and his behavior. I watch him for the next hour, my eyes narrowing, following the guy’s every movement as he interacts with others as well as his signs of authority.

I don’t know how long we stay like that, until suddenly, we hear a branch crack somewhere behind us, and all three of us freeze.

Chapter Nine


Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I stay crouched behind the bushes, but I know that I made too much of a noise to remain hidden. I swallow heavily, my breathing intensifying. I can’t hear anything, other than the drumming sound of my own heart.

I look around. There’s nothing. I don’t see the guys anymore. They’re probably doing a much better job of hiding than I am. Just as I’m about to turn around and leave, I feel someone grab me by the elbow and pull me forcefully back in the direction we came from.

“Let me…” I start, but a hand is pressed to my mouth, preventing me from speaking.

A moment later, I realize that it’s Cal. He’s pulling me back, not letting me go. When he finally does, I realize that Rock and the other guy are also there.

Rock’s voice is a low growl as he speaks to me. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Undeterred, I meet his gaze with determination. “I want to know what’s going on. I know I may not be from around here, but I’m camping in these woods here, which means this is my home now, too… at least for the time being, and I’m not going to sit idly by while you keep me in the dark.”

I can see Rock’s jaw tightening, his eyes lighting a fire that I have just ignited with my insubordination. Sensing the storm, Cal steps in.

“Elena,” he rakes his fingers through his hair as he speaks, “this is dangerous. We told you to stay back at your camp.”

“If there is danger in these woods, aren’t I safer with you guys?” I ask, stealing a glance at Rock. I can see that he is more than annoyed with me.

Cal grins at him. “She kinda has a point.”

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