Page 14 of Her Bears

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Rock turns to me. He caresses my cheek for just one brief moment, and I instantly remember how I melted in his arms. That night still lingers in my mind, and the need to talk about it, but now isn’t the time for that. Also, I don’t want him to tell me that it was a mistake.

“You have to trust me,” he says, without any further explanation. “Stay here.”

“But where are you going?” I keep asking the same question, hoping that eventually, I will get an answer.

“I can’t tell you,” he says.

“Why not?” My questions echo around us, unanswered.

He huffs. I notice he’s getting nervous. “Just… trust me.”

“We’ll explain everything next time, OK?” Cal interrupts, pulling Rock by the elbow.

I can see apprehension and confusion on the faces of all three men, and it makes me worry. They’re here. The words keepspinning inside my mind, torturing me with the mystery they hold. But I know that Rock won’t tell me what they mean.

I don’t say anything to Cal. I can’t, because the three of them have already left, and all I can hear is the distant rustle of the leaves they left behind.

I turn to the fire, the crackling flames my only companions now. I was told to stay here,I can’t think of anything else but disobeying that order. As always, I know that curiosity will get the best of me. The flickering firelight reflects in my eyes, a mirror of the uncertainty and anticipation I feel within.

Thinking about following those three into the woods at night… are you crazy?

I am. I know I am. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing and considering what I’m considering. A mix of emotions swirls inside my mind. I’m a city girl. I don’t belong here, in the wilderness, in the woods that carry whispers of secrets, and the unknown lingers like an uncharted path.

This is so unlike me. I’m a coward. I’ve always been a coward. Meek, shy, mild, unable to fend for myself. I didn’t dare say that out loud when I was telling them about my childhood, about my sister. She has always been the brave one. And me… the weakling.

Then, something happened, something beckoned me to come here. I still don’t know why or how. But I’m here, where I never thought I would be. Alone, in the dark, in the middle of the woods. After everything that has happened, I am still here. Nothing has managed to frighten me away, and that speaks a ton. This forest, despite being frightening and dark as the mouth of the most terrifying monster, beckons my adventurous spirit, the one I never even knew I had. The temptation to follow Cal and Rock tugs at me, fueled by a need to unravel the mystery… who is coming?

I don’t even notice that I’ve taken my camera into my hands. My fingers absentmindedly trace its contours, a tool that has captured countless moments now frozen in time. The lens, a conduit to discovery, now feels like a key to unlocking the secret of Pinehaven and these woods.

“Bear shifters,” I say the words out loud, almost in an effort to prove to myself that I’m not crazy.

Really… is that why I’m doing all this?

I don’t know. There are so many things I don’t know, but one thing is certain. I am where I need to be. The potential of capturing bear shifters on film is a symbol of something greater. It’s not just about proving folklore. It is about my life, proving that I’m not a failure, that I am maybe not good, but at least good enough.

The thought makes me sad somehow. But I try not to dwell on it. Curiosity wins over and I know that I must follow them, to unravel this mystery, whatever it may be.

I wonder how much time has passed. That is, how much time I have wasted pondering something that cannot change, at least not under these circumstances. Maybe a couple of minutes? They must be well ahead of me. And me, a city girl, I doubt I’d be able to catch up.

I refuse to allow these doubts to take over. I have always been in the shadow of such words, feeling unworthy and inadequate. I gave those words enough meaning for them to take control of my life, to shape it. But I feel as if these woods, frightening though they may be, are at the same time giving me strength.

I glance at the crackling fire, leaving it undisturbed as I slip into the cover of the surrounding trees, in an effort to follow the trail left by Cal, Rock, and the man who came to fetch them.

I don’t know how, but the night becomes my ally as I navigate through the darkness looking around. The moonlightilluminates the area around me, filtering through the dense canopy of leaves and branches. I immediately notice a path where some of the branches seem to have been broken in a hurry, as if someone passed there. I keep going in that direction, but I know that I myself can’t be seen. I have to stay in the shadows. That is why I walk lightly, and the forest absorbs the sound of the rustling leaves beneath my boots, as if to help me on my journey.

I’m smiling without even knowing why. Probably because I’m crazy. Crazy that I came here. Crazy that I stayed here. Crazy that I’m in the middle of this dark forest, looking for men I don’t even know. What could be crazier than that?

Unexpectedly, an unfamiliar sensation blossoms inside of me, a quiet confidence of someone who has spent countless nights beneath the open sky. That is most certainly not me, yet I feel as if someone like that has taken over my body and is leading me in the right direction. Even the wind becomes my ally, carrying away any noise I might clumsily make.

Then, I hear their voices. They are muffled, but I know it’s them. I crouch down, listening even more intently. I have to remain unseen and unheard, and in order to do that, I have to maintain a safe distance. I am nothing but a silent observer here. I can’t disturb anything. But I can listen.

I keep walking slowly, hiding behind every tree, until I am within earshot. They are whispering, but once again, the whole forest seems intent on helping me. I feel as if the wind is carrying their words straight back to me. I can almost sense their tension as if it were my own. I know this is all dangerous, but I can’t help myself. My curiosity seems to deepen with every spoken word I manage to hear.

“Did you see any signs?” Rock’s voice carries through the foliage.

“Yeah,” Cal replies. “Tracks near the clearing. Fresh ones.” He sounds much more serious than usual, and it sends a shiver down my spine.

I crouch behind a thicket, hidden in the shadows. They have stopped moving, so I must stand still, too.

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